Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday, 13 October 2020 |
I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on: |
Date: |
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 |
Time: |
to start at the conclusion of the Urban Form & Transport Development Committee meeting |
Location: |
Tauranga City Council Council Chambers 91 Willow Street Tauranga |
Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website: |
Marty Grenfell Chief Executive |
Terms of reference – Council
Chairperson |
Mayor Tenby Powell |
Deputy chairperson |
Cr Tina Salisbury |
Members |
Cr Jako Abrie Cr Larry Baldock Cr Kelvin Clout Cr Bill Grainger Cr Andrew Hollis Cr Heidi Hughes Cr Dawn Kiddie Cr Steve Morris Cr John Robson |
Quorum |
Half of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd. |
Meeting frequency |
Six weekly or as required for Annual Plan, Long Term Plan and other relevant legislative requirements. |
· The powers Council is legally prohibited from delegating include:
o Power to make a rate.
o Power to make a bylaw.
o Power to borrow money, or purchase or dispose of assets, other than in accordance with the long-term plan.
o Power to adopt a long-term plan, annual plan, or annual report
o Power to appoint a chief executive.
o Power to adopt policies required to be adopted and consulted on under the Local Government Act 2002 in association with the long-term plan or developed for the purpose of the local governance statement.
o All final decisions required to be made by resolution of the territorial authority/Council pursuant to relevant legislation (for example: the approval of the City Plan or City Plan changes as per section 34A Resource Management Act 1991).
· Council has chosen not to delegate the following:
o Power to compulsorily acquire land under the Public Works Act 1981.
· Make those decisions which are required by legislation to be made by resolution of the local authority.
· Authorise all expenditure not delegated to officers, Committees or other subordinate decision-making bodies of Council.
· Make appointments of members to the CCO Boards of Directors/Trustees and representatives of Council to external organisations.
· Consider any matters referred from any of the Standing or Special Committees, Joint Committees, Chief Executive or General Managers.
· Delegation of Council powers to Council’s committees and other subordinate decision-making bodies.
· Adoption of Standing Orders.
· Receipt of Joint Committee minutes.
· Approval of Special Orders.
· Employment of Chief Executive.
· Other Delegations of Council’s powers, duties and responsibilities.
Regulatory matters
Administration, monitoring and enforcement of all regulatory matters that have not otherwise been delegated or that are referred to Council for determination (by a committee, subordinate decision-making body, Chief Executive or relevant General Manager).
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
13 October 2020 |
4 Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open
5 Change to the Order of Business
7 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
8 Deputations, Presentations, Petitions
9 Recommendations from Other Committees
1 Apologies
4 Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open
5 Change to the Order of Business
7 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
13 October 2020 |
9 Recommendations from Other Committees
9.1 Recommendation from other committees - Urban Form and Transport Development Committee - 13 October 2020
File Number: A11863976
Author: Corinne Frischknecht, Senior Policy Planner
Authoriser: Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy & Growth
Purpose of the Report
1. The purpose of this report is to bring recommendations from the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee to Council for consideration. The recommendation to the committee was to adopt Plan Change 26 (Housing Choice), Plan Change 27 (Flooding from Intense Rainfall) and Plan Change 30 (Earthworks) for public notification in accordance with the provisions of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991, as per the attachments to the report.
UF6/20/ Adoption of Plan Change 26 (Housing Choice) for Notification
That the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee recommends to Council adoption of Plan Change 26 (Housing Choice) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification.
UF6/20/ Adoption of Plan Change 27 (Flooding from Intense Rainfall) for Notification
That the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee recommends to Council adoptions of Plan Change 27 (Flooding from Intense Rainfall) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification.
UF6/20/ Adoption of Plan Change 30 (Earthworks) for Notification
That the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee recommends to Council adoption of Plan Change 30 (Earthworks) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification.
That the Council: (a) Adopts Plan Change 26 (Housing Choice) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification as recommended by the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee at its meeting of 13 October 2020. (b) Adopts Plan Change 27 (Flooding from Intense Rainfall) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification as recommended by the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee at its meeting of 13 October 2020. (c) Adopts Plan Change 30 (Earthworks) to the operative Tauranga City Plan for public notification as recommended by the Urban Form and Transport Development Committee at its meeting of 13 October 2020. (d) Delegates authority to the General Manager: Strategy & Growth to approve any minor and technical changes to the Proposed Text Amendments, as required prior to public notification. |
2. Three reports were presented to the Urban Form and Transport Development (UFTD) Committee at its 13 October 2020 meeting, which sought a recommendation for Council to adopt three proposed plan changes for the purposes of public notification for submissions under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
3. A summary of the changes sought through the plan changes is provided below.
4. Plan Change 26 (Housing Choice) covers the following key aspects:
(a) Suburban Residential Zone
(i) Enable duplexes and comprehensively designed development (in the form of terraces / townhouses).
(b) Te Papa Peninsula:
(i) Enable duplex dwellings and comprehensively designed development (terraces/townhouses/apartments) through the introduction of the Te Papa Housing Overlay and amended City Living Zone provisions. The provisions of the zone and the overlay are to be aligned to achieve the same built form outcomes;
(ii) Increase height limits in the Commercial Zone in Te Papa to align with height limits of surrounding residential activities.
(c) Commercial Zone:
(i) Introduce on-site amenity and urban design provisions for residential activities.
5. Plan Change 27 (Flooding from Intense Rainfall) seeks to:
(a) Protect floodplains and overland flowpaths;
(b) Manage development and redevelopment within flood prone areas;
(c) Manage displacement effects, earthworks and floor levels; and
(d) Control impervious surfaces in the Suburban Residential, Large Lot and City Living zones.
6. Plan Change 30 (Earthworks)
(a) Control of earthworks at all stages of development – involving the clarification of when earthworks as part of subdivision are exempt from permitted activity controls, and ensuring that when earthworks are ancillary to another activity that they are carried out at the same time as that activity;
(b) Management of sediment on sites – involving the provision of a comprehensive set of measures to ensure sediment is kept on sites and is prevented from entering Council’s stormwater system.
7. Each of the reports presented to the UFTD Committee included the proposed text amendments to the Tauranga City Plan and supporting section 32 analysis which provides a detailed assessment required by the RMA to establish whether the proposed plan change content is the most appropriate course of action.
8. If the UFTD Committee raise any significant issues or propose amendments to the resolutions, then it is likely that either:
(a) The recommended resolutions in this report will require reference to amended S32 and/or annotated text; or
(b) This report may need to be withdrawn from the agenda.