Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

I hereby give notice that an Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting will be held on:


Tuesday, 8 December 2020


to start at the conclusion of the Projects, Services & Operations Committee


Tauranga City Council

Council Chambers

91 Willow Street


Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive


Terms of reference – Regulatory Committee




Common responsibilities and delegations

The following common responsibilities and delegations apply to all standing committees.


Responsibilities of standing committees

·         Establish priorities and guidance on programmes relevant to the Role and Scope of the committee.

·         Provide guidance to staff on the development of investment options to inform the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans.

·         Report to Council on matters of strategic importance.

·         Recommend to Council investment priorities and lead Council considerations of relevant strategic and high significance decisions.

·         Provide guidance to staff on levels of service relevant to the role and scope of the committee. 

·         Establish and participate in relevant task forces and working groups.

·         Engage in dialogue with strategic partners, such as Smart Growth partners, to ensure alignment of objectives and implementation of agreed actions.



Delegations to standing committees

·         To make recommendations to Council outside of the delegated responsibility as agreed by Council relevant to the role and scope of the Committee.

·         To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the delegations/limitations imposed.

·         To develop and consider, receive submissions on and adopt strategies, policies and plans relevant to the role and scope of the committee, except where these may only be legally adopted by Council.

·         To consider, consult on, hear and make determinations on relevant strategies, policies and bylaws (including adoption of drafts), making recommendations to Council on adoption, rescinding and modification, where these must be legally adopted by Council.

·         To approve relevant submissions to central government, its agencies and other bodies beyond any specific delegation to any particular committee.

·         To appoint a non-voting Tangata Whenua representative to the Committee.

·         Engage external parties as required.



Terms of reference – Regulatory Committee






Cr Steve Morris

Deputy chairperson

Cr John Robson


Cr Larry Baldock

Cr Bill Grainger

Cr Andrew Hollis


Regulatory matters (other than matters under the Resource Management Act 1991)


Half of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd

Meeting frequency

As required



·         To conduct hearings and make decisions of a quasi-judicial nature on regulatory matters through specific hearings and decision making.


Regulatory matters

·         To conduct hearings and make decisions of a quasi-judicial nature on behalf of the Council on any regulatory matter that the Council is legally:

o   empowered or obligated to hear and determine;

o   permitted to delegate to a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 2002.

·         To exercise this function in accordance with:

o   the applicable legislation;

o   the Council’s corporate strategies, policies and plans; and

o   the principles of administrative law and natural justice.

·         Regulatory matters include (but are not limited to) dog control matters and matters arising from the exercise of Council’s enforcement functions.

·         To consider and approve temporary road closures under Schedule 10, clause 11(e) of the Local Government Act 1974.

Power to act

Regulatory matters

·         All powers, duties and discretions necessary to conduct hearings and make decisions of a quasi-judicial nature on behalf of the Council on any regulatory matter that the Council is legally empowered or obligated to hear and determine, including (but not limited to):

o   All powers, duties and discretions necessary to hear and make decisions on behalf of the Council in respect of any matter that the Council is empowered or obligated to hear and determine under the Dog Control Act 1996, the Gambling Act 2002, the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Government Act 1974 and any bylaws that require a hearing.

·         The power to establish and amend hearings protocols relating to the general conduct of hearings and hearings related matters in accordance with the applicable legislation and the principles of administrative law and natural justice.

·         The power to co-opt expert advice on an as required basis.

Power to recommend

For the avoidance of doubt, the Regulatory Committee does not have the power to hear matters relating to the sale and supply of alcohol or RMA Plan Changes or Private Plan Changes.


Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda

8 December 2020


Order of Business

1          Apologies. 9

2          Public Forum.. 9

3          Acceptance of Late Items. 9

4          Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open. 9

5          Change to Order of Business. 9

6          Confirmation of Minutes. 10

6.1            Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 14 October 2020. 10

7          Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 18

8          Business. 19

8.1            Temporary Road Closures For Events. 19

9          Discussion of Late Items. 22



1            Apologies

2            Public Forum 

3            Acceptance of Late Items

4            Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open

5            Change to Order of Business

Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda

8 December 2020


6            Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 14 October 2020

File Number:           A12082477

Author:                    Robyn Garrett, Team Leader: Committee Support

Authoriser:             Robyn Garrett, Team Leader: Committee Support



That the Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 14 October 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record.





1.       Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 14 October 2020 


UNCONFIRMEDRegulatory Committee Meeting Minutes

14 October 2020




Regulatory Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 14 October 2020


Order of Business

1          Apologies. 3

2          Public Forum.. 3

3          Acceptance of Late Items. 3

4          Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open. 3

5          Change to Order of Business. 3

6          Confirmation of Minutes. 3

6.1            Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 21 July 2020. 3

7          Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 3

8          Business. 4

8.1            Temporary Road Closures - Summer Events 2020-2021. 4

9          Discussion of Late Items. 7




MINUTES OF Tauranga City Council

Regulatory Committee Meeting

HELD AT THE Tauranga City Council, Council Chambers, 91 Willow Street, Tauranga

ON Wednesday, 14 October 2020 AT 9.30am


PRESENT:              Cr Steve Morris (Chairperson), Cr John Robson (Deputy Chairperson), Cr Jako Abrie, Cr Bill Grainger, Cr Andrew Hollis.

IN ATTENDANCE: Nic Johansson (General Manager: Infrastructure), Brendan Bisley (Director of Transport), Kelly Schischka (Senior Event Facilitator), Robyn Garrett (Team Leader: Committee Support).


1            Apologies


2            Public Forum 


3            Acceptance of Late Items


4            Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open


5            Change to Order of Business


6            Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Minutes of the Regulatory Committee Meeting held on 21 July 2020

Committee Resolution  RE3/20/1

Moved:       Cr John Robson

Seconded:  Cr Jako Abrie

(a)     That the minutes of the Regulatory Committee meeting held on 21 July 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



7            Declaration of Conflicts of Interest


8            Business

8.1         Temporary Road Closures - Summer Events 2020-2021

Staff          Brendan Bisley, Director of Transport

                  Kelly Schischka, Senior Event Facilitator


Key points

·                No objections had been received to the proposed closures.

·                Noted that the Trustpower Christmas Parade and Marine Parade Nightly Closures were now not going ahead.

·                Noted that changes from the previous summer road closures included a change in timing for the Mount Maunganui Half Marathon; changes in the road closures required for Bay Dreams due to the Bayfair to Baypark roadworks; and the addition of the Gurudwara Kalgidhar Sahib Tauranga closures.


Committee Resolution  RE3/20/2

Moved:       Cr Andrew Hollis

Seconded:  Cr Bill Grainger

That the Regulatory Committee:

(a)     Receives the report of Temporary Road Closures for Summer Events 2020-2021

(b)     Pursuant to Clause 11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, grants approval to close the following roads and car parks to ordinary vehicular traffic from the dates and during the hours stated for the purposes of facilitating safe and successful operations during the following events:

Tinman Triathlon

Salisbury Wharf Car Park      the entire car parking area

Salisbury Avenue                   from Victoria Road to The Mall

The Mall                                 from Salisbury Avenue to Prince Avenue

From 6am Saturday 7 November 2020 to 2pm Sunday 8 November 2020


The Mall                                           from Prince Avenue to Adams Avenue including the Pilot Bay Boat Ramp

Adams Avenue                      from The Mall to Marine Parade

Prince Avenue                       from The Mall to Victoria Road roundabout

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Oceanbeach Road

Oceanbeach Road                 from Marine Parade to Concord Avenue

From 5am-2pm on Sunday 8 November 2020

Postponement dates: Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 March 2021 or Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 March 2021 or Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 April 2021


Sanitarium Weetbix Kids TRYathlon

Monowai Street                      from Gloucester Road to Grenada Street

From 5am-2pm on Sunday 22 November 2020

Postponement dates: Sunday 13 December 2020 or Sunday 24 January 2021


Orange Day Parade

Devonport Road                     from Elizabeth Street to The Strand

The Strand                              from Devonport Road to Harrington Street

From 7am-10:30am on Friday 27 November 2020



Hamilton Street                      from The Strand to Willow Street

Wharf Street                           from The Strand to Willow Street

Willow Street                          from Hamilton Street to Spring Street

Spring Street                          from Willow Street to Grey Street

Grey Street                             from Spring Street to Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street                      from Grey Street to Devonport Road

From 8:30am–10:15am on Friday 27 November 2020


Mount Maunganui Half Marathon

Surf Road                               from 7am-11am on Saturday 28 November 2020

Postponement date: Saturday 13 February 2021


Papamoa Santa Parade

Dickson Road                         from Longview Drive to Douglas Place

From 9am-2pm on Sunday 13 December 2020


Dickson Road                         from Douglas Place to Domain Road

Domain Road                         from Percy Road to Gravatt Road

From 9am-2pm on Sunday 13 December 2020


NZSSAA National Road Race Champs

Bureta Road                           from Ngatai Road to Harbour Drive

Harbour Drive                        from Bureta Road to Maxwells Road

Kulim Avenue                         full length

From 6am-12 Noon on Sunday 13 December 2020


Bay Dreams

Truman Lane                         from SH29A to Tip Lane

From 5am Saturday 2 January 2021 to 6am Monday 4 January 2021


Truman Lane                          from Tip Lane to Mangatawa Link Road

From 6am Sunday 3 January 2021 to 1am Monday 4 January 2021


Mangatawa Link Road           from Truman Lane to SH2 On/Off ramps

From 7pm Sunday 3 January 2021 to 1am Monday 4 January 2021


Exeter Street                          from SH2 (Maunganui Rd) to Eversham Road

Eversham Road                               full length from Gloucester Road North to Gloucester Road South (affects Tudor Place, Palliser Place, Harrow Place, Dover Place, Weymouth Place, Eversham Road Loop, Kingsley Place, Penrhyn Place)

Lambeth Terrace                    from Gloucester Road to Eversham Road

From 8am Sunday 3 January 2021 to 1am Monday 4 January 2021


Surfbreaker Triathlon

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Tweed Street

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Tay Street

Adams Avenue                      from Marine Parade to Maunganui Road

From 5am-11am on Sunday 27 December 2020

Postponement dates: Sunday 7 March 2021 or Sunday 21 March 2021 or Sunday 18 April 2021


New Year’s Eve

The Strand                              from Hamilton Street to Devonport Road

Wharf Street                           from Willow Street to The Strand

From 2pm Thursday 31 December 2020-2am Friday 1 January 2021


Sikh Parade

Burrows Street                       from Fourteenth Avenue to Fifteenth Avenue

From 11am-2pm on Sunday 10 January 2021


Fourteenth Avenue                from Burrows Street to Devonport Road

Devonport Road                     from Fourteenth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue

Eleventh Avenue                    from Devonport Road to Fraser Street

Fraser Street                          from Eleventh Avenue to Thirteenth Avenue

Thirteenth Avenue                 from Fraser Street to Burrows Street

Burrows Street                       from Thirteenth Avenue to Fourteenth Avenue

Rolling road closure between 11:30am-1:30pm on Sunday 10 January 2021


One Love Festival

Cameron Road                       from Brown Street to Wharf Street

Durham Street                        from Wharf Street to Harington Street (access will be provided for taxis and public drop off)

Hamilton St                 Hamilton Street                      from Willow Street to the end of Hamilton Street West

Harington Str              Harington Street                     from Willow Street to Cameron Road

Park Street                             from Cameron Road to Willow Street

Park Street                              from Willow Street to Cliff Road

Cliff Road                                from Brown Street to Park Street

Monmouth Street                    from Cameron Road to Willow Street

McLean Street                        from Cameron Road to Willow Street

Brown Street                          from Willow Street to Cliff Road

Mission Street                        from Chapel Street to Cliff Road

From 11:59pm Friday 5 February 2021-6am Monday 8 February 2021


Waitangi Day Service

Marine Parade                        from Grace Avenue to Pacific Avenue

From 5am-7pm on Thursday 6 February 2021


Generation Homes Women’s Triathlon

Salisbury Wharf Car Park      the entire car parking area

Salisbury Avenue                   from Victoria Road to The Mall

The Mall                                 from Salisbury Avenue to Prince Avenue 

The Mall                                           from Prince Avenue to Adams Avenue including the Pilot Bay Boat Ramp

Prince Avenue                       from The Mall to Victoria Road roundabout

Adams Avenue                       from The Mall to Marine Parade

Marine Parade                        from Adams Avenue to Oceanbeach Road

From 5am-12 Noon on Sunday 21 February 2021

Postponement dates: Sunday 7 March 2021 or Sunday 21 March 2021 or Sunday 18 April 2021


Pato Entertainment’s Family Day Out

Newton Street                        from Aerodrome Road to Hull Road

From 9am-8pm on Saturday 27 February 2021

Alternative date: Saturday 6 March 2021


We Run the Night Half Marathon

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Tweed Street

Pacific Avenue                       from Rita Street to Marine Parade

From 7:30pm–10:30pm on Saturday 13 March 2021

Postponement date: Saturday 15 May 2021


Marra Sprint Triathlon

Salisbury Wharf Car Park      the entire car parking area

Salisbury Avenue                   from Victoria Road to The Mall

The Mall                                  from Salisbury Avenue to Prince Avenue

The Mall                                           from Prince Avenue to Adams Avenue including the Pilot Bay Boat Ramp

Prince Avenue                        from The Mall to Victoria Road roundabout

Adams Avenue                       from The Mall to Marine Parade

Marine Parade                        from Adams Avenue to Oceanbeach Road

From 5am-12 Noon on Sunday 14 March 2021

Postponement dates: Sunday 21 March 2021 or Sunday 18 April 2021


Gurudwara Kalgidhar Sahib Tauranga

Cheyne Road                         from Gurudwara Kalgidhar Sahib Tauranga Temple to Condor Drive

Condor Drive                          from Cheyne Road to Quail Court

Rolling road closure between 9am-3:30pm Saturday 3 April 2021


National Jazz Festival Tauranga

The Strand                              from Harington Street to Devonport Road (excluding the roundabout)

Wharf Street                           from Willow Street to The Strand

Hamilton Street                      from Willow Street to The Strand

From 5am Friday 2 April-9pm on Sunday 4 April 2021


Anzac Day Dawn Parade and Memorial Service

Marine Parade                       from Commons Avenue to Banks Avenue

Grace Avenue                        from Maunganui Road to Marine Parade

Pacific Avenue                       from Rita Street to Marine Parade

From 5:30am-12 Noon on Sunday 25 April 2021


Eleventh Avenue                    from Devonport Road to Fraser Street

Fraser Street                          from Eleventh Avenue to Thirteenth Avenue

From 7am-12 Noon on Sunday 25 April 2021


Bethlehem Tertiary Institute Graduation Parade

The Strand                             from Harington Street to Devonport Road

Devonport Road                     from Spring Street to Fourth Avenue

Rolling road closure from 1pm-2pm on Saturday 22 May 2021



9            Discussion of Late Items



The meeting closed at 9.39am.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Regulatory Committee meeting held on 8 December 2020.






Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda

8 December 2020


7            Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Extraordinary Regulatory Committee Meeting Agenda

8 December 2020


8            Business

8.1         Temporary Road Closures For Events

File Number:           A12077660

Author:                    Kelly Schischka, Senior Event Facilitator

Jenna Quay, Events Facilitation Manager

Brendan Bisley, Director of Transport

Authoriser:             Nic Johansson, General Manager: Infrastructure


Purpose of the Report

1.       To seek Regulatory Committee approval of temporary road closures for upcoming events.


That the Regulatory Committee:

(a)     Receive the report of Temporary Road Closures for Events.

(b)     Pursuant to Clause 11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, grants approval to close the following roads and car parks to ordinary vehicular traffic from the dates and during the hours stated for the purposes of facilitating safe and successful operations during the following events:

Papamoa Santa Parade – amendment

Dickson Road                         from Longview Drive to Douglas Place

From 8am-2pm on Sunday 13 December 2020


Mount Festival of Multisport

Salisbury Wharf Car Park      the entire car parking area

Salisbury Avenue                   from Victoria Road to The Mall

The Mall                                 from Salisbury Avenue to Prince Avenue

From 6am Friday 22 January-9pm Saturday 23 January 2021

The Mall                                 from Prince Avenue to Adams Avenue including the Boat Ramp

Adams Avenue                      from The Mall to Marine Parade

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Oceanbeach Road

From 4:30am-5pm on Saturday 23 January 2021


Oceanbeach Road                 from Marine Parade to road end

Yale Street                             from Oceanbeach Road to Maranui Street

Maranui Street                       from Yale Street to Sandhurst Drive

Papamoa Beach Road           from Sandhurst Drive to Parton Road     

From 4:30am-1pm on Saturday 23 January 2021

Note: Roads may open earlier depending on progress of the event.


Tauranga Auto Extravaganza

The Strand                             from Harington Street to Devonport Road

Wharf Street                           from Willow Street to The Strand

From 7:30am–2:30pm on Saturday 27 February 2021 and from 7:30am–2:30pm on Sunday 28 February 2021


We Run The Night Half Marathon – amendment

Marine Parade                       from Adams Avenue to Tweed Street

Pacific Avenue                       from Rita Street to Marine Parade

From 7pm–11:30pm on Saturday 13 March 2021

Postponement date: Saturday 15 May 2021


Tauranga Half Marathon

Tilby Drive                               from Waratah Street to the Fergusson Park entry

Waratah Street                       from Tilby Drive to Woods Avenue

Woods Avenue                       from Waratah Street to Beach Road
Otumoetai Road                     from Levers to Beach Road

Beach Road                            entire length

Bureta Road                           from Ngatai Road to Harbour Drive

Harbour Drive                        entire length

Kulim Avenue                         entire length

Maxwells Road                       from Chapel Street to Harbour Drive

From 5am-1pm on Sunday 5 April 2021


(c)     The submission period for the following closures does not close until 19 December 2020. Therefore, pursuant to Clause 11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974,  it is requested that the Regulatory committee grants approval in advance to close the following roads and car parks to ordinary vehicular traffic from the dates and during the hours stated for the purposes of facilitating safe and successful operations during the following events, subject to no objections being received:


Neptune Entertainment Concerts

Newton Street               from Aerodrome Road to Hull Road

From 5pm-10:30pm on Monday 28 December 2020, Wednesday 30 December 2020, Saturday 2 January 2021 and Monday 4 January 2021.


First We Eat

Hamilton Street             from Cameron Road to the end of Hamilton Street West

From 10am-8pm on Saturday 30 January 2021

Postponement date: Saturday 20 March 2021



Hamilton Street             from Cameron Road to the end of Hamilton Street West

From 11am-11pm on Saturday 13 February 2021

Postponement date: Saturday 27 March 2021



Executive Summary

2.       Pursuant to Clause 11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, this report seeks the Regulatory Committee approve temporary road closures associated with events and activities in Tauranga City.

3.       The road closures aim to provide a safe and well-organised event for public to attend, protect competitors, manage the transport network, and minimise impacts to residents and businesses while events are taking place.

4.       The organiser of each event will:

·       Undertake consultation with all affected residents and businesses prior to the event occurring.

·       Submit a Temporary Traffic Management Plan for approval as part of the overall event approval process. This plan stipulates all traffic signage indicating sections of roads or carparks closed, alternative detours and, any other appropriate signage for traffic control and advance warning of road closures in accordance with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).


5.       Each year the City Events team works with event organisers and affected stakeholders to facilitate a calendar of events across the city. Event coordination and planning meetings are held in advance of events with representation from key stakeholders. Many of these events have been running for several years with traffic management and, in particular, road closures playing an important role to ensure the safety of event participants is maintained and smooth operations across the transport network. 

6.       Road closures allow for safe access to, during and from events by creating separation of traffic from pedestrians. Event activities are managed within corridor access approval conditions which include noise management and communication plans. 

Strategic / Statutory Context

7.       Tauranga City Council has the authority to close roads under the powers of the Local Government Act 1974 – Clause 11(e) of Schedule 10.

Legal Implications / Risks

8.       The formal approval of road closures by the Regulatory Committee is part one of a two part approval process. 

9.       Part two requires a warranted Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS) to submit a traffic management plan (TMP) to the Corridor Access team who has delegated authority as a Traffic Management Coordinator (TMC) to review and approve a temporary road closure in accordance with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).

10.     The traffic management contractor has a duty to ensure so far as reasonably practicable the safe and efficient movement of all road users through and around the working space. This requires a Risk Assessment be completed prior to the implementation of a traffic management operation.

Consultation / Engagement

11.     All temporary road closures must be publicly notified by Tauranga City Council allowing a 21-day period for the public to submit comments. Any objections must be considered by the Committee before making a decision on the requested temporary road closure.   

(a)     The temporary road closures outlined in 1 (b) were publicly notified on 31 October 2020. The consultation period finished on 20 November 2020.  No objections have been received.

(b)     The temporary road closures outlined in 1 (b) were publicly notified on 28 November 2020. The consultation period finishes on 19 December 2020. 


12.     Under the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, these decisions are of low significance and do not require public consultation.

Click here to view the TCC Significance and Engagement Policy






9            Discussion of Late Items