Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee (Informal Forum) Meeting

Thursday, 15 April 2021

I hereby give notice that a Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee (Informal Forum) Meeting will be held on:


Thursday, 15 April 2021




Wairoa Marae

State Highway 2




Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive

Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Common responsibilities and delegations

The following common responsibilities and delegations apply to all standing committees.


Responsibilities of standing committees

·         Establish priorities and guidance on programmes relevant to the Role and Scope of the committee.

·         Provide guidance to staff on the development of investment options to inform the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans.

·         Report to Council on matters of strategic importance.

·         Recommend to Council investment priorities and lead Council considerations of relevant strategic and high significance decisions.

·         Provide guidance to staff on levels of service relevant to the role and scope of the committee. 

·         Establish and participate in relevant task forces and working groups.

·         Engage in dialogue with strategic partners, such as Smart Growth partners, to ensure alignment of objectives and implementation of agreed actions.

·         Confirmation of committee minutes.



Delegations to standing committees

·         To make recommendations to Council outside of the delegated responsibility as agreed by Council relevant to the role and scope of the Committee.

·         To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the delegations/limitations imposed.

·         To develop and consider, receive submissions on and adopt strategies, policies and plans relevant to the role and scope of the committee, except where these may only be legally adopted by Council.

·         To consider, consult on, hear and make determinations on relevant strategies, policies and bylaws (including adoption of drafts), making recommendations to Council on adoption, rescinding and modification, where these must be legally adopted by Council.

·         To approve relevant submissions to central government, its agencies and other bodies beyond any specific delegation to any particular committee.

·         To appoint a non-voting Tangata Whenua representative to the Committee.

·         Engage external parties as required.



Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Independent chairperson

Mr Huikakahu Kawe

Deputy chairperson

To be appointed by the Committee

Tauranga City Council

Commission Chair Anne Tolley

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Commissioner Stephen Selwood

Commissioner Bill Wasley

Tangata Whenua members

6 members from the Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua Collective

Ms Matire Duncan

Mr Puhirake Ihaka

Mr Whitiora McLeod

Mr Buddy Mikaere

Mrs Irene Walker

Mr Nathan James


Half of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd

Meeting frequency

Formally three times per year at Council Chambers

Informally meet three times a year on marae with all members of both the Council and all members from the Tangata Whenua Collective


Rapua te huarahi whanui hei ara whakapiri

i nga iwi e rua i te whakaaro kotahi


Seek the broad highway that will unite the two peoples

toward a common goal.



Partners    Tauranga City Council and "nga hapu me nga iwi o Tauranga Moana" representing Tangata Whenua within the Tauranga City Council rohe (boundaries).


Tangata Whenua representatives are to be those with signed hapu protocols. One of the six Tangata Whenua representatives is to be a Kaumatua. Kaumatua representation is to have the ability to be shared between two Kaumatua if required.


Council is committed to establishing and monitoring appropriate links with Tangata Whenua to enable effective relationships to develop and meet a number of legislative requirements including those under the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act.




1.    Tangata Whenua are deemed to be the respective Iwi and Hapu of Tauranga Moana.

2.    The Local Government Act 1974 and Local Government Act 2002 contain provisions relating to the exercise of the powers, functions and duties of the Tauranga City Council.

Principles of the partnership

The Partners:

·         Recognise the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa NZ.

·         Will work with respect, goodwill, honesty, trust and integrity toward the other party and celebrate cultural diversity.

·         Recognise that the relationship is a mutual two-way relationship and any changes of the agreement need to involve discussions and agreement between the partners.

·         Recognise the need for Tauranga City Council to work within a legislative framework.

·         Recognise the independence of each partner, including

a)    The tangata whenua representatives as a voice for the Maori communities;

b)    Recognise the independence of hapu and iwi;

c)    The Council as a democratic decision maker, responsible to the community as a whole.

Role and scope

·         To forge an ongoing effective and meaningful partnership between the Tauranga City Council and Tangata Whenua.

·         To facilitate meaningful understanding of future impacts on key issues affecting Tangata Whenua and Māori that Council can influence.


The functions and key tasks are:

(a)       To bring to the other partner’s attention issues / concerns in respect of existing strategy or policy.

(b)       To exchange information of mutual interest.

(c)       To discuss new initiatives approaches and directions.

(d)       Agree agenda topics for the following 3 consecutive meetings.


·         To educate the wider community on Tangata Whenua issues.

·         To establish and maintain communication and consultation channels within the Council organisation and Tangata Whenua groups.


·         To regularly monitor projects, policies and strategies managed or under development by Council which affect Tangata Whenua.

·         To regularly monitor progress of key issues identified by Tangata Whenua through reporting of Council and the Tangata Whenua Collective.

·         To monitor the on-going development and process of the Standing Committee.

Power to recommend

·         To Council or any Standing Committee as it deems appropriate.

·         Reports to Council.


Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee (Informal Forum) Meeting Agenda

15 April 2021


Order Of Business

1          Opening Karakia. 7

2          Apologies. 7

3          Declaration of conflicts of interest 7

4          Business. 8

4.1            Verbal discussion topics. 8

5          Closing Karakia. 9



1            Opening Karakia


2            Apologies


3            Declaration of conflicts of interest

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee (Informal Forum) Meeting Agenda

15 April 2021


4            Business

4.1         Verbal discussion topics


Below is a list of topics which will be discussed during the hui:

1.    Presentation by Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana

2.    Presentation by Wairoa Marae























5            Closing Karakia