Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting

Thursday, 20 February 2020

I hereby give notice that a Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting will be held on:


Thursday, 20 February 2020




Tauranga City Council

Council Chambers

91 Willow Street


Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020


Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 5

2          Public Forum.. 5

3          Acceptance of Late Items. 5

4          Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open. 5

5          Change to Order of Business. 5

6          Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 5

7          Business. 6

7.1            The Chairperson's Report. 6

7.2            Quarterly Monitoring Report to February 2020. 7

7.3            Te Rangapu Mana Whenua Report - TW-TCC Committee Report 20 February 2020. 20

8          Discussion of Late Items. 23



1            Apologies

2            Public Forum 

3            Acceptance of Late Items

4            Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open

5            Change to Order of Business

6            Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020


7            Business

7.1         The Chairperson's Report.

File Number:           A11212328

Author:                    Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement

Authoriser:             Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement


The Chairperson will present the report verbally during the meeting.




Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020


7.2         Quarterly Monitoring Report to February 2020

File Number:           A11189580

Author:                    Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement

Authoriser:             Susan Jamieson, General Manager: People & Engagement


Purpose of the Report

1.       A status report is provided to the Committee quarterly to monitor policy and work-in-progress on Tangata Whenua issues.


2.       As requested by Tangata Whenua, a work schedule of Policies, Strategies, Projects and Activities raised through the Ten-Year Plan and other Council processes is reported back by staff and relevant external agencies. (Attachment 1).


1.       Quarterly Monitoring Report - June 2019 to February 2020 - A11181957   

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020



      June 2019 to February 2020





Previous Progress Update

Current Update



Iwi/Hapu Protocols

Signed Agreements (17)

Ngati Ranginui

Ngati Kahu

Ngati Hangarau

Ngai Tamarawaho

Ngati Ruahine

Ngai Te Ahi


Ngati He

Ngati Kuku

Ngai Tukairangi

Ngati Tapu

Nga Potiki

Ngati Kaahu



Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu

Ngati Pukenga


June 2019

·  Regular meetings scheduled in with Iwi and Hapu groups to work through communication and relationship issues.

·  Protocol Agreements are working documents and are reviewed on an annual basis.


February 2020

·    Re-allocation of Iwi and Hapū relationships within the Takawaenga Unit.

·    2020 Schedule of Significant Issues being distributed to Iwi & Hapū contacts


Mererina Murray

Keren Paekau



Museum Project

Library Project

June 2019

·    Following the Long-Term Plan 2018-28, Council re-assessed its approach to enabling a facility that can house and display the city’s heritage collection and taonga and tell Tauranga’s stories.

·    Council recognises the opportunity to develop a community-led or consensus approach rather than a traditional Council led approach. This would see Council agreeing that the envisaged community group (Tangata Whenua and stakeholders) can generate ideas on key elements including delivery, governance models, funding and location.

·    Council will need to agree and decide upon the mandate and expectations of the community led approach and how Council will consider the outcomes prior to the 2021-2031 LTP process.

·   Council will need to ensure that such an approach is set up for success, which will include assessing previous community led attempts at developing a museum project in Tauranga and other models of successful community led projects of this nature. 

·   During the Annual Plan deliberations in May 2019, Elected Members confirmed the allocation of $70k that had been included in the draft Annual Plan for this process.

February 2020

·   No activity undertaken on the Museum project during the current reporting period. However, Taonga Tauranga are working with a wide range of local heritage organisations to start the development of a sub-regional heritage initiative.

·   Visitor Solutions have completed a stock take of all community facilities across the city and a final report will be presented to Council soon, outlining the current status of the network and recommendations for growth over the next Long Term Plan period. In due course, this work will inform progress on the Library project.

Gareth Wallis


Iwi / Hapu Management Plans

June 2019

·   Staff continue to support Iwi /Hapū Management Plan development.

·   In May, the Tauranga Moana Iwi Management Plan had two small amendments made to it.  A copy of the plan can be found on the TCC website

·   Annual Plan submission was received from the Mana Whenua of Tauranga Moana Partnership for funding to review existing plans.



Councils response

·   Council does not have a fund for the review of iwi/hapū management plans.  Tangata Whenua advised to check with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council who may have a fund for reviews. 

Council is open to having discussions with iwi/ hapū who wish to review their plans·

February 2020

·    Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu representatives held a workshop with Planning and Policy staff at Maketu Marae in November 2019.  The purpose was to create a better understanding of their plan for staff.


Under development.

·     Nga Potiki - plan is complete and has been lodged with the Regional Council.

·     Ngati Hangarau Hapu – draft received

·     Ngati He Hapu – first draft received



Still to progress – funding available for:

·     Ngati Ranginui

·     Ngai Te Rangi

·     Ngati Kuku

·     Ngati Ruahine

·    Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa


Karen Marjoribanks

Keren Paekau


Council Land: Recognition of Tangata Whenua Interests and Aspirations Policy.

(Adopted October 2014).


June 2019

·   Deferred at 5 March Council meeting, pending further discussions with Tangata Whenua

·   Discussions anticipated to occur in new triennium

February 2020

·    Staff have met with RMW to discuss proposed addition of “Atypical Properties” to draft Acquisition and Disposal policy.  Atypical Properties would not be subject to a RFR.  Also proposed timeline for next steps. RMW to discuss further and confirm position on additional provisions, and next steps.  Staff have also met with Mayor & Councillors who have requested a joint workshop.

·      Tangata Whenua/TCC Committee Hui on 20 February to discuss at Governance level, and staff arranging joint workshop for Councillors and RMW. Date TBC

Carlo Ellis

Danna Leslie


Strategy (SmartGrowth)

June 2019

·    Urban Form and Transport Initiative consultants appointed, and Foundation Report being drafted.

·    Final Foundation Report will be presented to July Smart Growth Leadership Group meeting.

February 2020

·   Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) Interim Report released December 2019.

·   UFTI Technical reports are published on UFTI website when finalised.

·   MāI Matanga Hāpai have been contracted to provide Tangata Whenua expert advice, peer review and services to support the UFTI project.  The advice and support include the following activities:


·    To peer review the Cultural Overlay Report;

·    To provide advice on critical issues that UFTI needs to consider through the next stages of the process and how best to approach those issues;

·    To ensure technical feedback on the emerging UFTI work programme;

·    To communicate with Hapū, Iwi o Tauranga Moana me Te Tai Hauauru o te Moana o Toi (WBOP) and receive their feedback on the UFTI project;

·    To assist by bringing te reo me te Whakaaro Māori into the UFTI report as peer reviewers of draft material.


Christine Jones





Mauao Trust / Ngā Poutiriao o Mauao


June 2019

·    Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Redress and Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Claims Settlement Bill, still not been enacted. No change of status for June Quarterly Reporting.

·    Annual report to Council (as per the Mauao MOU) has been prepared for Nga Poutiri Ao o Mauao Joint Administration Board to consider and approve a draft to be taken to Council.

·    Branding and Interpretation workshops carried out with Nga Poutiriao o Mauao and local artists.

·    Operational maintenance of walkway, signs, structures for visitor access




February 2020

·   Settlement legislation – no change

·   Annual Report – this was approved by Nga Poutiri Ao o Mauao Joint Administration Board at the June meeting. It was received by the Projects, Services, and Operation Committee on 6 August 2019.

·   Branding and Interpretation Project – design consultant working on the signage and interpretation guide.




Clare Abbiss

Dean Flavell


Mauao Operational and Maintenance

June 2019

·    Resource consent notification period completed, 1 submission from HNZ received and being work through with the project team.

·    Project team working to value engineer detailed design to ensure a cost-effective outcome for the project

·    Two tenderers submitted and the outcome is yet to be determined.

·    Archaeological features update project mapping complete and ground truth checking underway in February.

·    Fencing alterations for planting programmed have been approved by the archaeologist and work is planned for February/ March to allow time for planting preparation.


February 2020

·    Fencing alterations for the 2020 planting plan are underway

·    The planting plan for the 2020 season to restore the Korowai has been finalised

·    The revised base track repair is on track for completion before Christmas

·    There have been no confirmed reports of Myrtle rust on Mauao or on any pohutukawa on Tauranga City Council managed reserves.

·    Plant and Animal pest control activities continue to be successful

·    Maintenance of walkway, signs, structures for visitor access

·    Annual monitoring of heritage features on Mauao to ensure their protection was undertaken in June 2019

·    Pre-Christmas stability and rock fall monitoring was undertaken to ensure public safety

·    Surface renewal of the four-wheel drive track has been completed.


Warren Aitken




Kōpurereroa Valley

January 2019

·    A seat, bollards and an interpretation panel at the eastern end of Whakapaewaka will be installed by the end of March.

·    The rapid cycle commuter track will be sealed from the Lakes through to Koromiko Street in the coming months.

·    More fencing to be installed to retire a large wetland from grazing between Puketoromiro Pa and the new cycle track to the overbridge.


·    Planting preparation is starting now for plantings in early winter.

June 2019

·    Successful planting day at Marshalls Ave in retired grazing area. 6,000 plants.

·    More planting programmed for winter months.

·    Rapid cycle track nearly complete.


February 2020

Warren Aitken

Mark Smith



Te Papa Project (New)

June 2019

·   Staff have met with the Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana to identify how the Collective wish to be involved in the project.

·   Ngāi Tamarawaho, Ngāti Ruahine, Ngāi Te Ahi Ngati He, Ngati Ranginui and Ngāi Te Rangi

February 2020

·   The Te Papa Spatial Framework provides opportunity for a distinctly Tauranga Moana response, providing steps towards ‘bringing Mana whenua presence back into the city’, and planting the seeds for greater cultural presence and consideration generally. The wharewaka was put forward as an example of bringing back Mana whenua presence into the city centre, with wider opportunities for mahi, carving, etc. 

·   The need to understand Te Papa in its spatial context – Te papa refers to a particular place; this is indicative of the cultural narrative we need to build into the plan

·   Cultural and environmental aspects of the project support one another; moreover, there is opportunity to weave in the cultural narrative across all layers of the spatial framework

·   It’s important not to focus on singular focal points, but rather the cultural overlay throughout the peninsula.

·   Resourcing the project is important, particularly if we are to enable partnership between Mana whenua and Council. In this regard, Council will work with Mana whenua and make available appropriate resources to do so, including design assistance from Clinton Bowyer (TCC), and potential for other resources during hui and wananga, as appropriate.

·   Council are currently working with the project’s Mana whenua reps to organise a wananga for the project – likely to be March 30/31.


Carl Lucca


Maori Housing Development




June 2019



The Joint Agency Group (JAG) supported the recent Ara Rau Tangata Conference in March.  Some key outcomes of the conference

-     Review and update the Papakainga toolkit

-     Investigate the role of key navigators to assist whanau to work through the papakainga process

-     Work closely with Maori Land Trust to support them to development plans for their blocks.


The next Ara Rau Tangata Conference will be held in July/August.


National Maori Housing Conference
Next conference will be held in Heretaunga (Hastings) in 2020

February 2020

Staff are still responding to Papakāinga requests. 

The Joint Agency Group (JAG)

Boffa Miskell has been engaged to complete the following workstreams. Completion timeframe is May 2020

Workstream 1.

An report for the Joint Agency Group (JAG) on the progress made by attendees, who have previously attended the Papakainga Workshop Series, in relation to their papakainga aspirations and an indication of further workshops/training that would enable them to further progress their papakainga projects. This report may also be used by the Agencies for their own forward planning purposes.


Workstream 2.

A review of the current Papakainga Toolkit incuding ease of use, language used, readibility and format (including the potential for, and development of, an online application) to ensure best fit with the needs of those seeking to progress a papakainga project on multiple owned maori land.

The review of the Papakainga Toolkit  is also to include an update of outdated information such as information relating to the programmes and resources of the individual JAG agency partners.


Ara Rau Tangata Conference

The third conference was held in August 2019.  The theme was Maori Land Development.

Presentations were given before a series of local land trusts including Ngai Tukairangi Orchard trust ans Ngapeke 6C Trust, as well as OPUS on land and infrastructure development and a Panel discussion on funding and financial assistance from Banks and government agencies (TPK and MBIE).

The next conference will be held in May 2020.



National Maori Housing Conference
Next conference will be held in Heretaunga (Hastings) in 30 April-1 May 2020


Karen Marjoribanks

Keren Paekau



Special Housing Areas

June 2019

·  The recommendation for an SHA has been made to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development on 24 April 2019.

·  The Minister of Housing and Urban Development has confirmed that the Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas Act legislation will be repealed in September 2019. No further SHAs

February 2020

·     The Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas Act has now been repealed. No further SHAs will be considered.

·   This will be removed from the schedule in future.

Janine Speedy


Southern Pipeline / Harbour Crossing / Paper Road

June 2019

  Southern Pipeline

·   All construction work on the pipeline complete with the pipeline commissioned and operating as planned.

·   Construction sites at Matapihi and Memorial Park being reinstated back to their original condition.

Matapihi wastewater Scheme

·   Construction commenced in late 2018.

·   Contractor installed wastewater connections at Waikari Marae; Hungahungatoroa Marae, Sports Club and kaumatua flats; Te Kura o Matapihi and kohanga reo; and residential properties. 


February 2020

Southern Pipeline

·   This was completed in October 2019 and is now fully operational.




Matapihi wastewater Scheme

·   Wastewater system installed and operational. Now finishing off landscaping works at Waikari and Hungahungatoroa Marae in January/February 2020.


Steve Wiggill









Kristina Hermens




Pyes Pa Active Reserve (Te Ranga Battle site)


June 2019

The Te Ranga Battle was acknowledged in June at the annual celebrations on the site.


February 2020

No update available as this is private land and falls in the Western Bay district.


Mark Smith




City Centre Strategy &

Waterfront Development

June 2019

Durham St/Lane Upgrade

Work commenced in June, the project is still currently forecast to be completed in June 2019


Aspen Reserve

Construction now scheduled to commence in January 2019.


Wharf St Upgrade

The Wharf St concept was recently approved by the City Transformation Committee, subject to approval from Council, this project would commence construction in May 2019 and be completed in November 2019.

Strand Extension

Concept design completed. Construction forecast to commence October 2019 and completed in mid-2020.











Elizabeth St

Concept design completed. Construction forecast to commence early 2020 and to be completed by mid-2021.

February 2020

Durham St/Lane Upgrade

The project is forecast to be completed in September (third quarter 2019)


Aspen Reserve

Aspen Reserve upgrade put on hold and will be reconsidered in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan


Wharf St Upgrade

Detailed design completion July/ August 2019 Construction subject to Council approval.  If approved, construction likely April 2020.



Strand Extension

Concept design complete. Detailed design underway.  Requires further stakeholder engagement, review of project level of service, infrastructure requirements and cost analysis.  Resource consents required from both Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Tauranga City Council.  Consent applications being prepared for lodgement.


Construction date subject to Council and consenting approvals.  


Elizabeth St

Concept design complete.  Requires further stakeholder engagement, review of project level of service, infrastructure requirements and cost analysis.  Construction subject to Council approval of detailed design. Construction to ideally coincide with Farmers development opening Easter 2020.


James Jacob


City Plan Changes

June 2019


·    The Plan Change programme was presented to the MWOTMP and in discussion with them a programme was agreed.


·    The team was introduced to Plan Changes- 26, 27, 28 & 30 on 1 March 2019


·    A workshop was held with Tapuika Authority on Plan Changes- 26, 27, 28 & 30 on 3 May


·    A special workshop concerning PC28 was held on 10 May


·    A workshop concerning on Plan Changes- 26, 27, 28 & 30 with Waitaha was held on 23 May


·    RMU - Special Workshop 2 Engagement on Plan Changes- 26, 27, 28 & 30 will take place on 18 June


February 2020


·   An update was provided to the Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana on the plan changes in October, November and December. There was also discussion on using the Streamlined Planning Process.

·   A workshop will be organised in March to engage on the draft provisions for Plan Change 26 (residential intensification) and Plan Change 27 (flooding from intense rainfall).

·   A workshop is scheduled on 26 March as part of the Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana to discuss the draft provisions for Plan Change 30 (earthworks)

Janine Speedy


Wairakei Stream Corridor Landscape and Cultural Plan Implementation


June 2019


The remaining pathways will be installed and initial

landscaping will begin.


Planting and landscaping will take place in phases and will include community planting days. Park furniture and signage will also be installed.


·   The remainder of the plan, through to Te Tumu, will be completed over subsequent years.

February 2020

Cultural Elements Implementation

·    Staff are currently working with the Tangata Whenua project group to confirm, as a priority, the design for the cultural motif and also the content of interpretation panels.  

·    The motif will be added to all signage and seating (already in place).  Implementation of the motif is anticipated by April and interpretation panels by November 2020. 

Other cultural elements previously identified by the group will be progressed after this time.

Jane Groves


Te Tumu

February 2019

·   Structure planning and technical reports are nearing completion. The development of the planning framework is underway.  The team continues to work on these matters, in preparation for a future rezoning process

·   Monthly hui with the Te Tumu Tangata Whenua Working Party are ongoing.


February 2020

·   Work is progressing in line with the February 2019 update, that being that Structure planning and technical reports are nearing completion. The development of the planning framework is underway.  The team continues to work on these matters, in preparation for a future rezoning process

·   TCC are unaware of any decision from the Maori Appellate Court, in regard to current appeals in regard to Maori Land, as this is a matter between the Trust and landowners.

·   Engagement with iwi and hapu will likely commence in 2020.


Campbell Larking

Brad Bellamy


Waiari Project

June 2019

Construction is ongoing. Several delays have been encountered and are being dealt with contractually.


The design for Membrane filtration design and build contract, is to be delivered in June 2019. The installation of the membranes will take place during 2020/21.

Water Treatment Plant – the detailed design will be delivered in October 2019, tendered in spring and start of construction planned for Feb 2020.

Waiari Trunk mains – Part B construction started in April 2019. Part A tenders close in June, award in July/Aug.


February 2020

Intake Site:

·    Ground improvement works for the intake structure have started. Unfavourable ground conditions have slowed progress. Access road is near completion.


·    All three Trunkmains contracts have now been awarded and are in construction.

Water Treatment Plant:

·    Ground improvement works (preloading) is under way and tracking well. The tender for the water treatment plant is due to be released this month, with contract award expected to be in June.

·    The Water Treatment Plant is due to be completed and commissioned in 2022.

Neels Osmers

Nick Townshend


Tauriko West

June 2019

·   Structure planning and technical reports are nearing completion. The development of the planning framework is underway.  The team continues to work on these matters, in preparation for a future rezoning process

·   Engagement hui will be ongoing in 2019.

February 2020

·   Work is progressing in line with the June 2019 update.

·   TCC is working with NZTA to develop an interim package of works that will allow housing development to commence in the short-term ahead of the long-term upgrades required to SH29.  The proposal sits with NZTA for consideration.  If we are able to progress on this basis, we should be in a position to bring housing to market within 2-3 years’ subject to rezoning of the land (noting if SHA’s had been retained rezoning would not be a risk).

·   The long-term highway solutions are likely to be 10+ years away given the current government’s transport priorities and funding constraints.


Campbell Larking

Gareth Pottinger



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020


7.3         Te Rangapu Mana Whenua Report - TW-TCC Committee Report 20 February 2020

File Number:           A11208587

Author:                    Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement

Authoriser:             Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement




1.       Te Rangapu Mana Whenua Report - Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee - 20 February 2020 - A11208547   

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020






Date:         THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY 2020







The following are items and / or issues that have been raised by Te Rangapu Mana Whenua




That it be resolved


That the Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report be received.


1.   Independent Chair of Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana


Due to the retirement of Puhirake Ihaka, the new independent Chair of Te Rangapu Mana Whenua, for the current triennium, is Matire Duncan. She will commence her duties on 1 March 2020


2.   Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Standing committee


In line with Council’s current policy of having full Council membership on their committees Te Rangapu Mana Whenua proposes that this format be adopted by this Standing committee ie that the committee moves to a “committee of the whole” This would then mean that the committee would consist of 11 Council representatives plus 16 members from Te Rangapu Mana Whenua (current official membership)

We wish to submit that this committee considers our proposal and commences discussions with respect to a review of the terms of reference for this policy


3.   TCC Committees


Te Rangapu Mana Whenua is very appreciative of the continuation of our representation on Council’s committees by this Council. However we believe that in order to have a more meaningful and fuller participation in the decision making process of the committee, we request that consideration be given to our members having voting rights


4.   Right of First Refusal (RFR)


Last year Council decided to defer any decision on the proposed policy changes until after the elections.

Therefore Te Rangapu Mana Whenua wishes to commence discussions concerning a way forward of initiating a process towards finalizing this kaupapa


Puhirake Ihaka


           Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

20 February 2020


8            Discussion of Late Items