Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

I hereby give notice that a Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting will be held on:


Wednesday, 4 November 2020




Tauranga City Council

Council Chambers

91 Willow Street


Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive


Terms of reference – Wastewater Management Review Committee






Cr Kelvin Clout

Deputy chairperson

Ms Matire Duncan – Nga Potiki


Cr Heidi Hughes

Cr Steve Morris

Mr Whitiora McLeod - Ngai Te Rangi

Mr Carlton Bidois - Ngati Ranginui

Vacant – Nga Potiki



Meeting frequency

A minimum of twice yearly


The Committee has a membership of eight, four of whom are Elected Members and four who are appointed as representatives of the Ngati Ranginui and Te Runanga o Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust and two members as representatives of the Nga Potiki Kaitiaki Resource Management Unit.


The Wastewater Management Review Committee is established as a committee of Council by the Mayor under section 41A of the Local Government Act 2002 and conditions imposed on Bay of Plenty Regional Council Coastal Permit # 62878.


·         To ensure Wastewater operations are in accordance with the Wastewater Management Review Committee Management Plan.


(a)       To receive reports on the operation of the Wastewater Scheme, including reports in relation to monitoring and permit compliance, and to make recommendations to the Permit Holder on the development of Tauranga City Council’s policies in relation to wastewater management, treatment and disposal, particularly following the review of wastewater treatment in light of new technologies and standards addressed in the Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Review Report required by Condition 20 of Coastal Permit N0 62878.

(b)       To make decisions about the application of the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund established in accordance with Condition 19 of Coastal Permit N0 62878.

(c)       To make recommendations to the Permit Holder as to physical measures and initiatives to address or compensate for actual or potential effects of the Tauranga City Wastewater Scheme (in the broadest environmental sense).

(d)       Without limiting the generality of function (c) above, to make recommendations to the Permit Holder as to the implementation of the works to be undertaken in accordance with Permit N0 62881, namely:

(i)            Decommissioning of the Te Maunga Sludge Pond and the future use of the pond.

(ii)           Conversion of the Te Maunga Oxidation Ponds to wetlands.

(e)       To make recommendations to the Permit Holder in relation to the independent consultant to be appointed to undertake the Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Review Report required by Condition 20 of Coastal Permit N0 62878.

(f)        To make recommendations to the Permit Holder as to enhancing the involvement of tangata whenua in sampling, testing and monitoring.

(g)       Assessment of the scope and adequacy of sampling and monitoring.

(h)       Notification to appropriate parties of activities that may have adverse effects.

(i)        To receive, review and recommend action following receipt of wastewater reports.

(j)        To recommend the commissioning of reports and future Tauranga City Council actions on wastewater management, treatment and disposal issues and options, including:

(i)            Development of alternatives to waterborne wastewater systems;

(ii)           Options for further treatments;

(iii)         Options for methods of disposal;

(iv)         Monitoring effects on the environment.

(k)       To co-ordinate and oversee education of the community on wastewater management, treatment and disposal issues.

(l)        To identify and make recommendations to the Permit Holder as to sources of funding which may be available to supplement the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund established pursuant to Condition 19 of Coastal Permit N0 62878 hereof and to be applied for the purposes specified in that condition.

(m)     To make recommendations to the Permit Holder as to changes to conditions of these permits pursuant to section 127 of the Resource Management Act 1991, in light of the exercise of the Review Committee’s functions, including reports received and information received as a result of monitoring, etc. or to avoid, remedy or mitigate actual or potential adverse effects associated with the operation of the Wastewater Scheme.

(n)       To foster robust relationships and dialogue between the Review Committee, the Permit Holder, the Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council in relation to wastewater management, treatment and disposal, particularly following the review of wastewater treatment in light of new technologies.

(o)       To make recommendations to Bay of Plenty Regional Council as to amendments to the conditions of these permits which could be implemented via a review under section 128 of the Act in accordance with Condition 22 of Coastal Permit N0 62878.

(p)       Prior to making any:

i)          Decisions as to the allocation of the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund in accordance with Condition 18.3(b) of Coastal Permit N0 62878 hereof or,

(ii)        Recommendations to the Permit Holder in relation to physical environmental mitigation or enhancement or mitigation works in accordance with Condition 18.3(c) of Coastal Permit N0 62878 hereof; -

the Review Committee will exercise its best endeavours to ascertain the existence of any persons or bodies who may have a particular interest or stake in the ecological health of the Tauranga Harbour (particularly the Upper Harbour/Rangataua Bay area) and to consult with those bodies or persons as to appropriate initiatives and measures to be so recommended (in accordance with Condition 18.3(b)of Coastal Permit N0 62878) or undertaken (in accordance with Condition 18.3(c)of Coastal Permit N0 62878). As a minimum, the Review Committee shall consult with

·         Nga Potiki Kaitiaki Resource Management Unit hapu and iwi of Te Runanga o Ngaiterangi Iwi Trust, Ngati Ranginui and Ngati Pukenga and Te Arawa and their respective hapu which hold kaitiaki status over the wider Tauranga Moana district, including any Working Group established by those hapu or iwi;

·         Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the Western Bay of Plenty District Council in relation to issues which may affect those councils in accordance with their function under Condition 18.3(m) of Coastal Permit N0 62878 hereof.

(q)       Not later than one month following the first anniversary of the commencement of these permits and on each anniversary thereafter, the Wastewater Management Review Committee shall forward to the General Manager, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, a report on the exercise of its activities and functions, including where appropriate a report on the effectiveness of measures undertaken pursuant to the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund.

(r)        Not less than six months following the first anniversary of this permit and each fifth anniversary thereafter, the Wastewater Management Review Committee’s annual report shall contain a review of its activities over the previous five-year period and recommendations for appropriate initiatives over the next five-year period, including any recommendations for changes to conditions of these permits which may be considered necessary or desirable. This report shall be available at least three months prior to the date on which Bay of Plenty Regional Council is entitled to review the conditions of these permits in accordance with Condition 22 of Coastal Permit N0 62878 hereof.

(s)       A copy of this report shall also be provided to the Chief Executive, Tauranga City Council.

(t)        As set out in Condition 18.1.3 of Coastal Permit N0 62878, the Wastewater Management Review Committee Management Plan may be amended with the written approval of the Chief Executive of Bay of Plenty Regional Council or delegate.

(u)       Confirmation of Committee minutes.


Reports to Council via the Projects, Services & Operations Committee and the Chief Executive of Bay of Plenty Regional Council.



Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 9

2          Public Forum.. 9

3          Acceptance of Late Items. 9

4          Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open. 9

5          Change to Order of Business. 9

6          Confirmation of Minutes. 10

6.1            Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2020. 10

7          Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 19

8          Business. 20

8.1            Appointment of Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund Independent Panel 20

9          Discussion of Late Items. 38



1            Apologies

2            Public Forum 

3            Acceptance of Late Items

4            Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open

5            Change to Order of Business

Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


6            Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2020

File Number:           A11876384

Author:                    Raj Naidu, Committee Advisor

Authoriser:             Coral Hair, Manager: Democracy Services



(a)     That the Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2020  be confirmed as a true and correct record.




1.       Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2020 


UNCONFIRMEDWastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Minutes

26 August 2020





Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 26 August 2020


Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 3

2          Public Forum.. 3

2.1            RangiMarie Kingi 3

3          Acceptance of Late Items. 4

4          Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open. 4

5          Change to Order of Business. 4

6          Confirmation of Minutes. 4

6.1            Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee meeting held on 26 February 2020. 4

7          Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 4

8          Business. 5

8.1            Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Fund Policy Manual Report 5

8.2            5 Yearly Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Review Report 5

8.3            Wastewater Activities Update Report 6

9          Discussion of Late Items. 7

9.1            Co-chair for Wastewater Management Review Committee Verbal Update. 7




MINUTES OF Tauranga City Council

Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting

HELD AT THE Tauranga City Council, Council Chambers, 91 Willow Street, Tauranga

ON Wednesday, 26 August 2020 AT 1pm



PRESENT:              Cr Kelvin Clout (Chairperson), Ms Matire Duncan (Deputy Chairperson), Cr Jako Abrie, Cr Heidi Hughes, Cr Steve Morris, and Mr Whitiora McLeod

IN ATTENDANCE: Stephen Burton (Manager: City Waters), Wally Potts (Team Leader: Drainage Services), Radleigh Cairns (Environmental Programme Leader), Jane Groves (Stormwater Programme Leader), Mariken de Vries (Group Communication Advisor), Robyn Garrett (Team Leader: Committee Support), Kristina Hermens (Business Director – Three Waters), and Raj Naidu (Committee Advisor).



Ms Matire Duncan opened the meeting with a Karakia.


1            Apologies


Committee Resolution  WW2/20/1

Moved:       Cr Kelvin Clout

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod


That the apologies received for lateness from Cr Heidi Hughes and absences from Mr Carlton Bidios and Ms Erana Brewerton be accepted.




2            Public Forum  

2.1         RangiMarie Kingi

·         Discussed community feedback with regards to the non-native (Australian) mangrove planting in the estuary.

·         The planting was not working in the swamplands because shellfish and other specifies were not attracted to it.

·         There needed to be more Māori researchers in this space so that due diligence was holistic.

At 1.07pm, Cr Heidi Hughes entered the meeting.

·         The sewerage from pipes were discharged into waterways or estuaries and should be removed completely rather than the old pipes being replaced with new ones.

·         The chemical and waste pollution were making the wetlands and surrounding areas unusable.

·         Council debt was an issue that had to be addressed.


3            Acceptance of Late Items


Committee Resolution  WW2/20/2

Moved:       Cr Kelvin Clout

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod


That the Wastewater Management Review Committee:

a)    Accept late item Co-Chair for Wastewater Management Review Committee Verbal Update.




4            Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open



5            Change to Order of Business



6            Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee meeting held on 26 February 2020

Committee Resolution  WW2/20/3

Moved:       Cr Jako Abrie

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod


That the minutes of the Wastewater Management Review Committee meeting held on 26 February 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



7            Declaration of Conflicts of Interest


8            Business

8.1         Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Fund Policy Manual Report

Staff          Radleigh Cairns, Environmental Programme Leader


A copy of the staff presentation on items 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 can be viewed on Tauranga City Council’s website in the Minutes Attachments document for this committee meeting.


Key points

·         The draft version of the policy document had been reviewed in a number of workshops.

·         There would be two project streams: Project Initiative Stream and Environmental Compensation Stream.

·         The next steps were expressions of interest and terms of reference for the Assessment Panel (needed to be in place by April 2021), promote funding, and receive applications in the first quarter of 2021.

·         The Panel Interview Committee would include the Chair and Deputy Chair. 


In response to questions

·         Funding promotion would be done via Council’s communications team, the Tauranga City Council website, engagements, and social media.


Committee Resolution  WW2/20/4

Moved:       Ms Matire Duncan

Seconded:  Cr Heidi Hughes


That the Wastewater Management Review Committee:

(a)     Receive the amended Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Fund (EMEF) Policy Manual.

(b)     Approve the adoption of the draft EMEF Policy Manual.



1        Presentation - Radleigh Cairns


8.2         5 Yearly Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Review Report

Staff          Radleigh Cairns, Environmental Programme Leader


Key points

·         The cultural report recommendations were still being finalised for the executive summary of the report.

·         Beca had updated the draft 5 yearly Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Review (MUTR) report reviewed by the Committee through workshops since August 2019 and recommendations were included in the report.

·         Some additions to the final report were a combination of factors arising out of the recommendations/discussions from the cultural report, updates to regional and central government frameworks on policies, and the 3 Waters reforms.

·         Tauranga City Council was compliant or had above compliance requirements in a number of areas.


In response to questions

·         New technologies were included in the report but there were also opportunities to explore emerging technologies, particularly with respect to the bio-solids strategy.

·         The document was a living document which took into consideration evolving technologies and learnings from cultural monitoring.

·         A reporting framework based on a matrix would be brought back to the Committee on an on-going basis.

·         Contract negotiations were underway regarding bio-solids in landfills.

·         The timeframe of implementation would be effective immediately because continuous trials of removing 25% of bio-solids from landfills were already in progress.

·         Western Bay’s waste that was taken by Tauranga City Council was invoiced back to Western Bay of Plenty District Council so there was full cost recovery.


Committee Resolution  WW2/20/5

Moved:       Cr Jako Abrie

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod


That the Wastewater Management Review Committee:

(a)     Receive the 5 yearly Monitoring, Upgrade and Technology Report.

(b)     Approve the report for submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.




8.3         Wastewater Activities Update Report

Staff          Radleigh Cairns, Environmental Programme Leader


Key points

·         Final effluent pipeline upgrade was on track for October 2020.

·         Desludging of Pond 1 was ongoing, but the desludging processes themselves created seepages and became an ongoing management requirement.

·         There were some constraints around trenching material.

·         The longer the sludge matured in the pond, the easier it became to remove it and did not affect the seepage constraints.

·         The final version of the Seepages Report was pending, and a brief update was provided.

·         Saltwater intrusion increased seepages and these were managed by desludging.

·         Sheet piles were being investigated as a potential semi-permanent solution to mitigate seepages.

·         Updates were provided for the draft 30-year Wastewater Infrastructure Plan and Wastewater Strategic Modelling and Planning Project, both of which would be work-shopped later on in the year before adoption.

·         An update was provided on the Regional Best Practise Guidelines and the current response plans were being adjusted to incorporate the guidelines.

·         Presentation to Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana on overflows to land and water as well as inclusion of cultural impacts into plans. 

·         Early notification and monitoring had assisted in mitigating blockages and seepages.

·         Long and short list options for the future of marine outfall were being prepared within the Indicative Business Framework report.

·         CCTV of Maranui to the beach manhole had been completed.

·         The Construction Management Plan was being finalised and community engagement pending.


In response to questions

·         Seepage mitigations were in place to ensure that Tauranga City Council was compliant to the consent rate as well as with environmental requirements.

·         Pond 1 was going to be decommissioned and a workshop would be held on this.

·         Capacity for solar drying bio-solids was being investigated at the site, however new technology might alleviate some constraints such as the size required for the facility.

·         Wipes Blocks Pipes campaign data showed that 100 to 150 blockages were occurring annually, but that data showed this number of blockages was tracking downwards.

·         Many blockages were from fat, tree roots, wet wipes or a combination of all or some of these.

·         SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system and sensors were also deployed for assessing flow monitoring and blockages.

·         CCTV and flushing monitoring were ongoing in problem areas, but blockages were very sporadic making a quick proactive response difficult.

·         The current flow monitoring was a static model and work was being undertaken to make it a dynamic model.  

·         A campaign for reducing fat in pipes was being explored that included technology, infrastructure, and education.

·         The latest monitoring leakage data showed that approximately eight cubic meters was seeping into the harbour which was well below the consent rate.

·         It was important to note that seepage was not raw sewerage but high-quality treated effluent that had been through a comprehensive three stage treatment process system before discharge.


Committee Resolution  WW2/20/6

Moved:       Ms Matire Duncan

Seconded:  Cr Jako Abrie


That the Wastewater Management Review Committee:

(a)      Receives the Wastewater Activities Update report.



9            Discussion of Late Items

9.1         Co-chair for Wastewater Management Review Committee Verbal Update

Key points

·         The Chairperson had provided an update on the Co-chair position for the Committee.

·         A formal request via email had been sent to staff to start the process and a report was requested to be presented to the Committee at the 28 October 2020 meeting.



Staff Action – Coral Hair

Co-chair for Wastewater Management Review Committee




Ms Matire Duncan closed the meeting with a Karakia.



The meeting closed at 2.00pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Wastewater Management Review Committee meeting held on 28 October 2020.






Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


7            Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


8            Business

8.1         Appointment of Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund Independent Panel

File Number:           A11919569

Author:                    Radleigh Cairns, Environmental Programme Leader

Authoriser:             Nic Johansson, General Manager: Infrastructure


Purpose of the Report

1.       For the committee to approve the appointment process for appointing members to the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Funds (EMEF) independent panel and the terms of reference for members of the panel.


That the Wastewater Management Review Committee:

(a)     Receive the report

(b)     Approve the makeup of the appointment panel and appointment process for appointing members of the EMEF independent panel.

i)          Appoint ……… councillor representative on the appointment panel.

ii)         Appoint……… tangata whenua representative on the appointment panel.

(c)     Approve the terms of reference for the members of the EMEF independent panel.



Executive Summary

2.       The Wastewater Management Review Committee (WWMRC) is required to appoint an independent panel to assess applications to the Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Fund (EMEF) and make recommendations to the committee on which applications to fund.

3.       An Expressions of interest for applicants with the required skills will be advertised between November 2020 and February 2021.

4.       An appointment panel of two committee members (one councillor and one tangata whenua member) and one Tauranga City Council staff member will appoint the panel ready to assess applications made during the funding round from January to March 2021.


5.       The WWMRC is to make decisions about the application of the fund and in 2016 recommended (which council approved) an additional $300,000 be added to the fund and a further $50,000 for each year of the life of the consent (subject to a review every three years as part of the Long Term Plan process).

6.       The committee also agreed to review the original guidelines for applications to the EMEF to encourage more coordinated packages of work rather than standalone applications and establish an independent panel for assessing applications and allocating funds.

7.       The WWMRC approved the new EMEF Policy manual at the 26 August 2020 Committee meeting.

8.       The new policy manual requires the committee to appoint an independent panel to assess applications to the EMEF against the eligibility and assessment criteria listed in the manual.

9.       The draft terms of reference for the independent panel identifies the objectives, structure and key skills required of panel members as well as the process for appointing the panel.

Strategic / Statutory Context

10.     The Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund is a requirement of TCC’s resource consent to discharge treated effluent to the ocean.

Options Analysis

11.     N/A

Financial Considerations

12.     The EMEF currently has approximately $630,000 available for projects, with a further $50,000 +CPI to be added for the 2020-21 financial year. The 2021-24 Long Term Plan (LTP) will include a further $50,000 per year (+CPI) to be reviewed as part of the LTP process.

13.     Funding for the independent panel will come from existing operational budgets.

Legal Implications / Risks

14.     N/A

Consultation / Engagement

15.     Community engagement on this matter is not proposed or intended.


16.     Under the Significance and Engagement Policy 2014, this matter is of low significance due to there being no change in the way the wastewater activity operates. 

Click here to view the TCC Significance and Engagement Policy

Next Steps

17.     Expressions of Interest will be requested through various media and specialist publications and mailing lists. The EMEF webpage will be updated with an application pack for panel members.


1.       Draft Terms of Reference EMEF Panel 2 September 2020 - A11919592

2.       FINAL EMEF Policy Manual August 2019 - A11922099   

Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


Terms of Reference for Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Fund Assessment Panel



1.         The appointment of an Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund (EMEF) Assessment Panel to recommend appropriate applications for funding to the Wastewater Management Review Committee (WWMRC) is a requirement of the EMEF Policy Manual adopted at the committee meeting on 26 August 2020.



2.         The objective of the panel is to assess applications to the funds project / initiative stream and make recommendations to the Wastewater Management Review Committee for approval of projects that meet the following aims of the fund:

·    Avoid, remedy or mitigate the actual or potential effects of the Wastewater Scheme (in its broadest sense); or


·    To acknowledge and provide mitigation by way of environmental compensation for ongoing adverse environmental effects (including by way of offence to tangata whenua cultural and spiritual values) associated with the Wastewater Scheme.


·    To enhance the environment, which has been adversely affected by the Wastewater Scheme.



3.         The panel will assess applications against the eligibility criteria contained in the approved EMEF Policy Manual, before using the assessment criteria to determine the relative strength and recommended funding level for applications recommended for approval.




4.         The Panel will report directly to the Wastewater Management Review Committee with recommendations.

5.         The membership of the panel will be appointed on an annual basis with specific expertise in the following areas:

·          Te Ao Māori: being a strong understanding of Kaupapa Māori concepts of environmental management in relation to the mana whenua of Tauranga Moana;

·          Effects and Impacts of Wastewater Schemes

·          Project Management and Governance Skills

·          Marine & Freshwater scientific knowledge

·          Effects on Cultural values of wastewater schemes

·          Environmental management: being a strong understanding of best practice approaches of environmental remediation and enhancement


EMEF Panel Membership


6.         EMEF Panel membership positions will be advertised locally and nationally.

7.         Three to Five  EMEF Panel membership positions will be created.

8.         The EMEF Panel chair is appointed by the WWMRC after consultation with the panel membership and may change according to availability.

9.         EMEF Panel membership can duplicate expertise in the areas noted above to account for non-attendance or conflicts of interest.

10.       EMEF Panel members are to hold expertise in at least two of the disciplines noted above.

11.       An Appointment Panel will be established to consider member  applications. The Appointment Panel will consist of:

i.       One Elected Member of the WWMRC (nominated)

ii.      One Tangata Whenua Member of the WWMRC (nominated)

iii.     One Tauranga City Council Staff member

12.       The Appointment Panel will evaluate the applicants based on the following considerations and make recommendation to the WWMRC:

·          Relevant specialist professional expertise

·          Recognition as an authority in specialist areas required

·          Experience in relevant projects and programmes

·          Experience of working effectively in advisory and review capacities

·          Balance of expertise within the membership of the panel

13.       The WWMRC will consider the Appointment recommendations and make the final appointment of the EMEF Panel and Chair.


Attendance at EMEF Panel

14.       EMEF Panel members will be selected according to the project type, availability and any potential conflict of interest.

15.       A minimum of 3 (three) members is required for quorum.  Members may attend in person or by teleconference.

16.       EMEF Panel meetings will also include attendance by Tauranga City Council staff and invited guests presenting on applications.



17.       The Panel will meet in early April after the window for applications close in March.

18.       The Chairperson is responsible for running the meeting and composing and getting agreement for the EMEF Panel recommendations.

19.       Tauranga City Council staff will set the agenda in consultation with the EMEF Panel Chair for all EMEF Panel meetings. 

20.       Where the EMEF Panel has independently identified other issues for discussion and consideration, it will address these professionally and in collaboration with relevant staff at Tauranga City Council.

21.       In advance of each meeting, the EMEF Panel will be provided sufficient information on each agenda item, to enable robust consideration and recommendations. 

22.       All recommendations and interpretations are informed by the collective view from the multi-disciplinary range of expertise within EMEF Panel.

23.       All EMEF Panel recommendations will be formalised by meeting notes or minutes. These minutes are confirmed by all EMEF Panel members present at the meeting.

24.       EMEF Panel minutes will be forwarded to the Tauranga City Council staff, who will coordinate a presentation by the EMEF Panel Chair or agreed panel representative at the next WWMRC with recommendations for approval.

25.       The WWMRC will then consider the recommendations prior to approving any application for funding.

Managing potential conflicts of interest

26.       Where a member of EMEF Panel is undertaking any work that may create a perceived conflict of interest, the potential conflict will be declared and the EMEF Panel member will step aside from any involvement in EMEF Panel discussion and recommendations on that project.


Resourcing of the TCC EMEF Panel

27.       EMEF panel members will be remunerated as per the current External Representatives’ Remuneration Policy per meeting.

28.       Up to $2,000 per annum will be allocated to each member of the TCC TAG to cover administration costs of time and meeting attendance including – travel, parking, accommodation, catering, printing, etc. 



Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020















Wastewater Management Review Committee Meeting Agenda

4 November 2020


9            Discussion of Late Items