Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

I hereby give notice that a Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting will be held on:


Wednesday, 24 August 2022




Hei Marae

154 Manoeka Road

Te Puke

Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive


Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Common responsibilities and delegations

The following common responsibilities and delegations apply to all standing committees.


Responsibilities of standing committees

·       Establish priorities and guidance on programmes relevant to the Role and Scope of the committee.

·       Provide guidance to staff on the development of investment options to inform the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans.

·       Report to Council on matters of strategic importance.

·       Recommend to Council investment priorities and lead Council considerations of relevant strategic and high significance decisions.

·       Provide guidance to staff on levels of service relevant to the role and scope of the committee. 

·       Establish and participate in relevant task forces and working groups.

·       Engage in dialogue with strategic partners, such as Smart Growth partners, to ensure alignment of objectives and implementation of agreed actions.

·       Confirmation of committee minutes.



Delegations to standing committees

·       To make recommendations to Council outside of the delegated responsibility as agreed by Council relevant to the role and scope of the Committee.

·       To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the delegations/limitations imposed.

·       To develop and consider, receive submissions on and adopt strategies, policies and plans relevant to the role and scope of the committee, except where these may only be legally adopted by Council.

·       To consider, consult on, hear and make determinations on relevant strategies, policies and bylaws (including adoption of drafts), making recommendations to Council on adoption, rescinding and modification, where these must be legally adopted by Council.

·       To approve relevant submissions to central government, its agencies and other bodies beyond any specific delegation to any particular committee.

·       To appoint a non-voting Tangata Whenua representative to the Committee.

·       Engage external parties as required.



Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Independent chairperson

Mr Anthony Fisher

Deputy chairperson

To be appointed by the Committee

Tauranga City Council

Commission Chair Anne Tolley

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Commissioner Stephen Selwood

Commissioner Bill Wasley

Tangata Whenua members

6 members from the Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua Collective

Ms Matire Duncan

Mr Puhirake Ihaka

Mr Nathan James

Mr Whitiora McLeod

Mr Buddy Mikaere

Ms Irene Walker


Half of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd.

Meeting frequency

Six meetings a year to be held on marae.

Members from Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana to attend meetings

Members from Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana are to be invited to all meetings.


At the Chairperson's discretion, Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana members may speak to reports.


To avoid doubt only members of the Committee can move or second recommendations or vote.

Hapū presentations

Hapū presentations to be held at the beginning of each meeting.


The remainder of the business of the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee will be held at the conclusion of the hapū presentation.


Minutes will be confirmed at each meeting.

Livestreaming of meetings

The meetings will be livestreamed.


Livestreaming of presentations by hapū will be subject to permission from the marae.




Rapua te huarahi whanui hei ara whakapiri

i nga iwi e rua i te whakaaro kotahi


Seek the broad highway that will unite the two peoples

toward a common goal.



Partners    Tauranga City Council and "nga hapu me nga iwi o Tauranga Moana" representing Tangata Whenua within the Tauranga City Council rohe (boundaries).

Tangata Whenua representatives are to be those with signed hapu protocols. One of the six Tangata Whenua representatives is to be a Kaumatua. Kaumatua representation is to have the ability to be shared between two Kaumatua if required.


Council is committed to establishing and monitoring appropriate links with Tangata Whenua to enable effective relationships to develop and meet a number of legislative requirements including those under the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act.


1.     Tangata Whenua are deemed to be the respective Iwi and Hapū of Tauranga Moana.

2.     The Local Government Act 1974 and Local Government Act 2002 contain provisions relating to the exercise of the powers, functions and duties of the Tauranga City Council.

Principles of the partnership

The Partners:

·       Recognise the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa NZ.

·       Will work with respect, goodwill, honesty, trust and integrity toward the other party and celebrate cultural diversity.

·       Recognise that the relationship is a mutual two-way relationship and any changes of the agreement need to involve discussions and agreement between the partners.

·       Recognise the need for Tauranga City Council to work within a legislative framework.

·       Recognise the independence of each partner, including:

(a)       The tangata whenua representatives as a voice for the Māori communities;

(b)       Recognise the independence of hapū and iwi;

(c)       The Council as a democratic decision maker, responsible to the community as a whole.

Role and scope

·       To forge an ongoing effective and meaningful partnership between the Tauranga City Council and Tangata Whenua.

·       To facilitate meaningful understanding of future impacts on key issues affecting Tangata Whenua and Māori that Council can influence.


The functions and key tasks are:

(a)        To bring to the other partner's attention issues / concerns in respect of existing strategy or policy.

(b)        To exchange information of mutual interest.

(c)        To discuss new initiatives approaches and directions.

(d)        Agree agenda topics for the following three consecutive meetings.


·       To educate the wider community on Tangata Whenua issues.

·       To establish and maintain communication and consultation channels within the Council organisation and Tangata Whenua groups.


·       To regularly monitor projects, policies and strategies managed or under development by Council which affect Tangata Whenua.

·       To regularly monitor progress of key issues identified by Tangata Whenua through reporting of Council and the Tangata Whenua Collective (Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana).

·       To monitor the on-going development and process of the Standing Committee.

Power to recommend

·       To Council or any Standing Committee as it deems appropriate.

·       Reports to Council.


Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


Order of Business

1         Opening karakia. 9

2         Apologies. 9

3         Public forum.. 9

4         Acceptance of late items. 9

5         Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 9

6         Change to order of business. 9

7         Confirmation of minutes. 10

7.1           Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 13 April 2022. 10

8         Declaration of conflicts of interest 19

9         Deputations, presentations, petitions. 20

9.1           Te Kapu o Waitaha Presentation. 20

10       Business. 21

10.1         Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report 21

10.2         Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report 25

11       Discussion of late items. 31

12       Closing karakia. 31



1          Opening karakia

2          Apologies

3          Public forum 

4          Acceptance of late items

5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open

6          Change to order of business

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


7          Confirmation of minutes

7.1         Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 13 April 2022

File Number:           A13594019

Author:                    Anahera Dinsdale, Committee Advisor

Authoriser:              Sarah Drummond, Committee Advisor



That the Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 13 April 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record.






1.       Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 13 April 2022 


Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Minutes

13 April 2022





Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 13 April 2022


Order of Business

1         Opening karakia. 3

2         Apologies. 3

3         Public forum.. 3

4         Acceptance of late items. 3

5         Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 4

6         Change to order of business. 4

7         Confirmation of Minutes. 4

7.1           Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 16 February 2022. 4

8         Declaration of conflicts of interest 4

9         Deputations, Presentations, Petitions. 4

9.1           Mangatawa Marae Presentation. 4

9.2           Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Inc Presentation. 5

9.1           Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa Hapu Presentation. 6

10       Business. 7

10.1         Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report 7

10.2         Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report 7

11       Discussion of late items. 8

12       Closing karakia. 8


MINUTES OF Tauranga City Council

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting

HELD AT THE Mangatawa Marae, 46 Tareha Lane, Mangatawa, Tauranga

ON Wednesday, 13 April 2022 AT 9.30am



PRESENT:                 Commission Chair Anne Tolley, Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston, Commissioner Bill Wasley, Mr Puhirake Ihaka, Mr Whitiora McLeod, Ms Matire Duncan, Mr Nathan James

IN ATTENDANCE:     Marty Grenfell (Chief Executive), Tony Aitken (Acting General Manager: People & Engagement), Carlo Ellis (Manager: Māori Strategic Engagement), Keren Paekau (Team Leader: Te Pou Takawaenga), Coral Hair (Manager: Democracy Services), Robyn Garrett (Team Leader: Committee Support), Anahera Dinsdale (Committee Advisor), Nikaelah Tukaki (Kaiarahi), Ngaire Dinsdale, Julie Te Amo, Scott Wikohika, Linda Carroll.


1          Opening karakia

Meeting was opened with a whakatau and karakia hosted by Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa.

2          Apologies


Committee Resolution  TW2/22/1

Moved:       Mr Whitiora McLeod

Seconded:  Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

That the apologies for absence of Ms Irene Walker, Mr Buddy Mikaere and Commissioner Stephen Selwood were accepted.


3          Public forum


4          Acceptance of late items

Committee Resolution  TW2/22/2

Moved:       Mr Whitiora McLeod

Seconded:  Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

That the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee accept the following late item for consideration at the meeting:

•        Item 9.2 - Mangatawa Papamoa Block Inc Presentation

The above item was not included in the original agenda as it was not available at the time the agenda was published. Discussion of this report could not be delayed until the next meeting of the Committee.


5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open


6          Change to order of business


7          Confirmation of Minutes

7.1         Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 16 February 2022

Committee Resolution  TW2/22/3

Moved:       Mr Whitiora McLeod

Seconded:  Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

That the minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 16 February 2022 were confirmed as a true and correct record.



8          Declaration of conflicts of interest


9          Deputations, Presentations, Petitions

Committee Resolution  TW2/22/4

Moved:       Ms Matire Duncan

Seconded:  Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

That the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council move into informal session.



9.1         Mangatawa Marae Presentation


External    Linda Carroll – Chair, Mangatawa Marae.


Key points

·       Identified two key projects for Mangatawa Marae, Environmental Sustainability and Emergency Resilience. Ms Carroll had met and discussed these items with Marty Grenfell, Chief Executive of Tauranga City Council.

·       The tsunami evacuation alarm in 2021 saw over 300 people descend onto Mangatawa Marae.

·       Mangatawa Marae held a meeting following the event and completed a review of what events had happened. The marae collated and used the event information to put together an emergency evacuation plan that would be activated in a emergency. Te Puni Kokiri had co-funded this emergency evacuation plan.

·       Mangatawa Marae saw the emergency evacuation plan as a tool that assisted and contributed to the community.

·       Wastewater treatment plant - Ngati Kaahu was opposed to the location. An on-site effluent treatment system had been put in place so marae were not connected to the treatment plant. Environmentally, on-site effluent systems were more sustainable.

·       Whanau who lived along SH2, also known as Te Maunga Lane, had a six foot wall/fence in place which Mangatawa Marae believed had displaced whanau. The existing State Highway prevented whanau from accessing Mangatawa Marae.

·       Marae buildings were considered inadequate. The wharenui was closed due to lack of maintenance and was unhealthy to inhabit. Two buildings were damaged due to mould and asbestos and were pulled down.

·       Quotes of up to $500,000 were received to repair the wharenui.

·       A renewable environmental sustainable project was completed. The report found Tu Mai Ra energy aligned with Mangatawa Marae values.

·       Mangatawa Marae worked to purchase and install a three bedroom house to be used for a marae administration block. Mangatawa Marae sought support and assistance from the Council to gain the grant of building consents.


In response to questions

·       Mangatawa Marae committee met and questioned why they received water rates. Mangatawa Marae advised members that the reservoir was located on marae land; the marae believed an agreement was in place between Mangatawa Marae and Tauranga City Council.

·       Tauranga City Council staff would provide further information to the Committee on the contract.


Discussion Points Raised

·       Oranga Marae and Te Puni Kokiri funding was oversubscribed at the times Mangatawa Marae applied.

·       The wharenui was completely unusable due to lack of building maintenance. Mangatawa Marae was sourcing funding to assist with repairs.

·       Te Pou Takawaenga would meet with Mangatawa Marae to support and plan.




9.2         Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa Hapu Presentation


External    Whitiora McLeod


Power point presentation


Key points

Mr McLeod spoke to his presentation,  which included a history of the Mangatawa Land Blocks and how they came to be.


·       Ngaati Kaahu ki Mangatawa is a hapu of Ngā Pōtiki.

·       Ngaati Kaahu ki Mangatawa believed it would not be hard to get a feasibility report underway. Ngaati Kaahu believed they had and continued to contribute significantly to Tauranga City.

·       Ngā Pōtiki felt the oxidation pond should be returned to Ngā Pōtiki.

·       Long-term Plan funding to connect the Mangatawa Marae on-site system was the preferred option rather than an articulation system.


In response to questions

·       The 1901 Native Land Court hearings were held in front of Native Land Court judges and all hapu and iwi members had an opportunity to speak. Land maps were then drawn up following the hearing.

·       Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa had a deep cultural connection to their land.

·       Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa effluent plans had been sighted by associated staff.

·       Recommendations had been added to the Council ongoing work plan.

·       The presentation had recommendations and goals for consideration. Mr McLeod understood the difficulty for Council to approve the recommendation and goals in his presentation and was happy for the presentation recommendations to start a discussion between Ngati Kaahu ki Mangatawa and Tauranga City Council.



9.3         Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Inc Presentation


External    Scott Wikohika – General Manager


Power point presentation


Key points

·       Mr Wikohika supported the Commission extension and acknowledged Whiti McLeod for his presentation.

·       Insight provided into Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporation current and future plans.

·       Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporation worked to develop an Associated Director Framework, Rangatahi Strategy, Kaumatua Council and hoped to partner with other iwi and hapu.

·       Worked to distribute a concept plan to shareholders to look at an urban design sustainable project.

·       Mr Wikohika had researched renewable energy, and hoped for all assets of Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Inc to use sustainable energy in the future.

·       Was fourth out of four on the Powerco system of priorities when there were power outages, despite dependent kaumatua who used health critical machines. Mr Wikohika expressed his concerns on this point and stated that this was unacceptable.


In response to questions

·       Mr Wikohika expressed excitement about Asher Place Blocks; the development included lease holds and rent to buy options with priority given to Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Inc shareholders.

·       Noted Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks aspirational pathways towards home ownership and support for shareholders into home ownership.


Discussion points raised

·       Baypark land was not contained in the Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Inc. It was believed to be part of land taken for public works.



Committee Resolution  TW2/22/5

Moved:       Ms Matire Duncan

Seconded:  Mr Puhirake Ihaka

That the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee move back into formal session.


10        Business

10.1       Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report


External    Matire Duncan, Chair Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana


Key points

·       Report taken as read.

·       Tangata whenua representatives on Tauranga City Council Committees worked diligently.

·       Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana (Rangapū) members attended many workshops with Tauranga City Council staff in 2022.

·       Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana wished to meet in person rather than remotely via Teams.

·       Happy that Tauranga City Council’s strategic framework had incorporated Te Ao Māori. It provided great balance between Tauranga City Council and mana whenua.

·       Process of due diligence to re-elect a Chairperson for Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council committee. One more interview to complete process.

·       Rangapū identified two key priorities: Strategic Plan workshop and the Three Waters reform. Rangapū wanted to know what the Three Waters reform would look like at a central government level as well as a local government level.

·       Donna Flavell led Tangata Whenua engagement from Department of Internal Affairs. Rangapū and Donna Flavell were to meet with Te Pou Takawaenga.

·       Future opportunities: mentoring or buddy system for rangatahi alongside Rangapū and Tauranga City Council in the next few years.

·       Discussion about the Tangata Whenua hub and availability of resources around legal Resource Management Act, planning and various resource consents.


In response to questions

·       Council Controlled Organisations were taking on interns. The opportunity arose when a young member of the community asked to shadow key staff to see whether they would enjoy the job. Staff and Commission worked through the aspects and difficulty around confidential and public in the role.


Discussion points raised

·       Rangapū were aware of fact that Tauranga City Council had made contact with the Tauranga Moana Business Association. Commissioner Rolleston and Commission Chair Tolley presented on the Long-term Plan Amendment and Annual Plan to Tauranga Moana Business Association. Noted the on-going relationship with the Māori business sector.


Committee Resolution  TW2/22/6

Moved:       Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Received "Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report".



10.2       Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report


Staff          Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Māori Engagement

Keren Paekau, Team Leader: Takawaenga Māori

Key points

·       Mr Ellis spoke to the report and provided an update on action plan.

·       Staff found the action plan mechanism very helpful for all.

·       Worked to update community plan with Ngāti Tapu and Ngai Tukairangi.

·       Expressed good traction on rahui signs for kaitiaki in Waipu Bay.

·       Whetu Marae had a hui with Tauranga City Council relevant staff. Te Pou Takawaenga hoped to facilitate a meeting with Western Bay of Plenty District Council to understand what support Whetu Marae needed.

·       Waiāri Kaitiaki Advisory Group meeting details were not in action plan as the details were not yet confirmed as the Tapuika Iwi Authority discussion was on-going.


Discussion points raised

·       Tauranga City Council was respectful of hapu capability with traction to move forward on marae-based projects.

Committee Resolution  TW2/22/7

Moved:       Commissioner Bill Wasley

Seconded:  Mr Puhirake Ihaka

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Received the " Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report".



11        Discussion of late items


12        Closing Karakia

Mr Puhirake Ihaka closed the meeting with a karakia.


The meeting closed at 12:00pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed as a true and correct record at the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 29 June 2022.







Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


8          Declaration of conflicts of interest

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


9          Deputations, presentations, petitions

9.1         Te Kapu o Waitaha Presentation



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


10        Business

10.1       Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report

File Number:           A13593711

Author:                    Anahera Dinsdale, Committee Advisor

Authoriser:              Tony Aitken, Manager: Human Resources


Purpose of the Report

1.       To provide Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee members with an update of Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana progress.


That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report “Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report”





1.       RMW Report to TWTCC Committee 29.06.2022 - A13593554   

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


10.2       Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report

File Number:           A13591721

Author:                    Carlo Ellis, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement

Keren Paekau, Team Leader: Takawaenga Maori

Authoriser:              Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance


Purpose of the Report

1.       To update the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee on matters raised by tangata whenua at previous Committee meetings and Iwi/Hapū hui held with the Commissioners


That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(i)      Receives the Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates Report




2.       Attached is a table that outlines issues Hapū and Marae raised sat previous Committee meetings and Hui held with the Commissioner and provides an update on the progress of these issues.




1.       Table - Tangata Whenua matters raised 24 August 2022 TW_TCC Hui - A13800201   

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee Meeting Agenda

24 August 2022


11        Discussion of late items


12        Closing karakia