Ordinary Council meeting

Monday, 3 April 2023


Tuesday, 4 April 2023


Greerton Maarawaewae hearings

I hereby give notice that an Ordinary meeting of Council will be held on:


Monday, 3 April 2023 at 4pm


Tuesday, 4 April 2023 at 9.30am


Ground Floor Meeting Room 1

306 Cameron Road



Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive


Terms of reference – Council





Commission Chair Anne Tolley


Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Commissioner Stephen Selwood

Commissioner Bill Wasley


Half of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members physically present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd.

Meeting frequency

As required


·             To ensure the effective and efficient governance of the City

·             To enable leadership of the City including advocacy and facilitation on behalf of the community.


·             Oversee the work of all committees and subcommittees.

·             Exercise all non-delegable and non-delegated functions and powers of the Council.

·        The powers Council is legally prohibited from delegating include:

o   Power to make a rate.

o   Power to make a bylaw.

o   Power to borrow money, or purchase or dispose of assets, other than in accordance with the long-term plan.

o   Power to adopt a long-term plan, annual plan, or annual report

o   Power to appoint a chief executive.

o   Power to adopt policies required to be adopted and consulted on under the Local Government Act 2002 in association with the long-term plan or developed for the purpose of the local governance statement.

o   All final decisions required to be made by resolution of the territorial authority/Council pursuant to relevant legislation (for example: the approval of the City Plan or City Plan changes as per section 34A Resource Management Act 1991).

·        Council has chosen not to delegate the following:

o   Power to compulsorily acquire land under the Public Works Act 1981.

·        Make those decisions which are required by legislation to be made by resolution of the local authority.

·        Authorise all expenditure not delegated to officers, Committees or other subordinate decision-making bodies of Council.

·        Make appointments of members to the CCO Boards of Directors/Trustees and representatives of Council to external organisations.

·        Consider any matters referred from any of the Standing or Special Committees, Joint Committees, Chief Executive or General Managers.

Procedural matters

·        Delegation of Council powers to Council’s committees and other subordinate decision-making bodies.

·        Adoption of Standing Orders.

·        Receipt of Joint Committee minutes.

·        Approval of Special Orders.

·        Employment of Chief Executive.

·        Other Delegations of Council’s powers, duties and responsibilities.

Regulatory matters

Administration, monitoring and enforcement of all regulatory matters that have not otherwise been delegated or that are referred to Council for determination (by a committee, subordinate decision-making body, Chief Executive or relevant General Manager).



Ordinary Council meeting Agenda

3 April 2023


Order of Business

1         Opening karakia. 7

2         Apologies. 7

3         Public forum.. 7

4         Acceptance of late items. 7

5         Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 7

6         Change to the order of business. 7

7         Confirmation of minutes. 7


8         Declaration of conflicts of interest 7

9         Deputations, presentations, petitions. 7


10       Recommendations from other committees. 7


11       Business. 8

11.1         Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study - Hearings Report 8

12       Discussion of late items. 16

13       Public excluded session. 16


14       Closing karakia. 16



1          Opening karakia


2          Apologies


3          Public forum


4          Acceptance of late items


5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open


6          Change to the order of business


7          Confirmation of minutes


8          Declaration of conflicts of interest


9          Deputations, presentations, petitions


10        Recommendations from other committees


Ordinary Council meeting Agenda

3 April 2023


11        Business

11.1       Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study - Hearings Report

File Number:           A14457236

Author:                    Robyn Scrimshaw, Urban Planner: Urban Communities

Carl Lucca, Team Leader: Urban Communities

Authoriser:              Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance


Purpose of the Report

1.      To provide an overview of the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study topics and themes raised through submissions and feedback from the community.



That the Council:

(a)     Receives the report “Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study - Hearings Report and the written submissions attached to this report, received during the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study phase 3 consultation.

(b)     Receives the verbal submissions from submitters wishing to speak who provided a submission on the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study during phase 3 consultation.

(c)     Receives verbal submissions on the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study from community members wishing to speak who provided feedback during the phase 1 and 2 engagement with the community.


Executive Summary

2.      The phase 3 consultation on 3 options for the future of the Tauranga Racecourse Reserve site occurred during 27 July and 29 August 2022. The consultation invited mana whenua, existing users, the wider community, and those who had provided feedback through phase 1 and 2 to make a submission on their preferred option.

3.      This report provides a brief summary of the topics and key themes raised through the submission process, in advance of hearing submissions from those submitters that indicated through the phase 3 consultation they wished to be heard.

4.      Council has also extended the invitation to be heard to community members who through the phase 1 and 2 community engagement joined the database to stay informed.


5.      The purpose of the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study is to identify opportunities that will support wellbeing and liveability as the city continues to grow, and to provide certainty as to the future use of the site. Within this context, the agreed scope for the study initially included:

(a)     Preparation of broad options for the subject site, to form the basis for engagement, assessment, and recommendations on the future use of the site. Options shall range from status quo through to mixed open space / residential land use.

(b)     Development and consideration of any options will include engagement with mana whenua through the process, including consideration of their aspirations for the land.

(c)     Engagement with the community, existing users, government partners and key stakeholders to:

(i)      provide an understanding of the subject site’s potential opportunities in the context of city growth and community wellbeing

(ii)     understand the aspirations for the site from existing and potential future users, to be incorporated into option development and recommendations for future use.

(d)     Following on from previous engagement, the importance of the open space to the community was also acknowledged as a key area to further explore with the community.

(e)     As part of the options study assessment, feasibility, risks, relocation requirements and delivery timeframes shall inform any recommendations.

6.      Through subsequent decision making Council removed housing from consideration for the Tauranga Racecourse Reserve site.

7.      Phase 1 and 2 of engagement occurred October 2021 through to March 2022. The views of the community were valuable to inform phase 3 and the refinement of the options.

8.      The focus of the hearings is on the submissions received through the phase 3 consultation on the three shortlisted options approved for consultation by Council on 13 June 2022.

9.      The 3 options consulted on during phase 3 are:

(a)     Option A Health and Recreation (Council’s preferred option): Health and Recreation – a mixture of public hospital, parkland, sports fields, golf, and connections to Kopurererua Valley. (Option A included a fallback provision that says: if the public hospital does not proceed on this site, then Option B: Centra Park will proceed).

(b)     Option B Central Park: a large green parkland, sports fields, community spaces, golf and connections to Kopurererua Valley

(c)     Option C Enhanced Status Quo: racecourse, golf, equestrian, sports fields and connections to Kopurererua Valley

10.    A total 897 submissions were received through phase 3 with the following numbers of submissions in support of each option:

(a)     Option A: Health and Recreation – 201

(b)     Option B: Central Park – 128

(c)     Option C: Enhanced Status Quo – 548

(d)     No option selected – 5

(e)     Other – 15 (these are submissions that don’t fall into any of the above categories – for example, support more than one option or submitted an alternative option).

11.    In addition to selecting an option, submitters were encouraged to add ‘why’ they chose a particular option. This has enabled Council to get a deeper understanding of the community views of benefits and disbenefits of each option.

12.    The submissions raised points around the racecourse relocation, equestrian and golf existing facilities, the future of the health precinct and power supply locations for the city that needed further work to be completed by various parties. The extent of this additional work led to a delay in the hearings timing from November 2022 to April 2023.

13.    There have been regular communications sent out to the Greerton Maarawaewae email database of the community members who have indicated they wish to stay informed of the projects progress. The reasons for the delay and details of the further work required were communicated through this manner in October 2022 (see attachment 2 for a copy of the communication). This was accompanied by a media release, website update and an update to the FAQ’s for the community to access.

14.    Further work has now been progressed for all areas of enquiry to a comfortable level to enable the process to continue and submitters to present their submissions, with deliberations scheduled for 1 May 2023.  An update of this further work has been distributed and is also available on the TCC website.  (Refer attachment 2). 

15.    For more information on the background of the Greerton Maarawaewae Options Study and previous decision making see Council Agendas dated 11 April 2022[1] and 13 June 2022[2]

submission topics and themes

16.    The emerging themes and topics of the submissions are as follows:

Across all submissions:

17.    All members of the community value the green space and trees.

18.    The community would like to see connections to Kopurererua Valley improved and enabled through the green space.

19.    Transportation: upgrades to support the activities on the site would be required including connections to local network, parking facilities and multimodal connections.

Option A specific:

20.    A new health services precinct and/or a hospital would greatly benefit the growing city and are a necessity to the health and wellbeing of the community.

21.    The current health facilities are at capacity and aren’t servicing the community’s needs.

22.    Having a hospital integrated into the existing green space with recreational facilities would have benefits to people’s wellbeing.

23.    The location would be central to the growing areas of the city and accessible to the outer areas of the city also.

Option B specific:

24.    Protect the green space for recreational activities including retention of the mature trees.

25.    Make into a full botanical garden (comparisons to other locations Hamilton Gardens, Christchurch Hagley Park, Wellington Botanical Gardens, Auckland Cornwall Park, New Plymouth) also comparisons to international examples (Hyde Park in London, Central Park in New York).

26.    Retention of the green space for the community to hold events utilises the site and allows these to continue.

Option C specific:

27.    All ages use the current racecourse and/or equestrian facilities don’t want to lose that ability to engage all ages in these activities.

28.    Community use of the space for race day and equestrian events and facilities is valued and are usually family focused, affordable events.

29.    Expansion of the current use to fit all members of the community is desired.

30.    Important to recognise the historical use of these activities on this site.

31.    Funding of the relocation of existing users and facilities is a concern.

32.    Equestrian user groups do not support the reduction of the current area for other recreational uses.

33.    Other points raised by submitters covered a wide range of topics, such as power supply, motor home camping, and the range of recreational activity offering i.e.: aquatic centre or passive recreational opportunities for the aging population.

Strategic / Statutory Context

34.    In response to the outcomes identified through the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI), Te Papa Spatial Plan (TPSP) and decisions on the 2021-31 Long Term Plan (LTP), Tauranga City Council (TCC) made a decision to undertake the Greerton Maarawaewae Study “to engage with mana whenua, existing users, government partners, and key stakeholders to undertake an options study to explore the most appropriate and efficient use of ‘Recreation Reserve – Tauranga Racecourse’ land in the short, medium and long term”. 

35.    As part of this process, it was also agreed that TCC shall lead engagement with the community to understand their aspirations for the subject site. The study commenced in October 2021 and advised the purpose of the Greerton Maarawaewae study is to identify opportunities that will support wellbeing and liveability as the city continues to grow.

Consultation / Engagement

36.    There have been 3 rounds of engagement and consultation with the community.

(a)     Phase 1 engagement – the community ideas – Late October to Mid December 2021.

(b)     Phase 2 engagement – the seven options – End of December 2021 to 6th March 2022

(c)     Phase 3 consultation – the three options – 27 July - 29 August 2022

37.    The submitters through all phases of engagement that indicated they wished to stay informed of the project have been invited to speak if they wish to and had previously provided written feedback on the project.

38.    There has also been specific engagement undertaken with the existing users of the facilities (Racing Tauranga, Tauranga Golf Course and Tauranga Equestrian Sports Association), key stakeholders and mana whenua.

Mana whenua engagement

39.    Council staff have met with representatives of mana whenua (specifically Ngāi Tamarāwaho) on six occasions since the inception of the study.

40.    Ngāi Tamarāwaho has advised that they support the ongoing recreation reserve status of the land and would seek to have land ownership discussions should an alternative or revised use be proposed. A formal statement of claim has been lodged with the Waitangi Tribunal and there has been correspondence provided to the Crown.

41.    As stated in the Waitangi Tribunal claim, the Ngāi Tamarāwaho kōrero is that the return of the reserve lands and indeed all lands within its rohe used for public or community purposes was not pursued as part of its historic Treaty claim. Ngāi Tamarāwaho have also indicated through correspondence that they are happy for the land to continue to be used for community recreational purposes and would support use of the land for a wider range of recreational uses such as walking and biking pathways through the racecourse and golf course lands.

42.    Council will continue to engage directly with mana whenua on these matters and acknowledge that as owners of the land, ongoing kōrero with the Crown will also be necessary if any changes to the existing use are proposed.  

Financial Considerations

43.    There are no financial considerations arising from the recommendations in this report

Legal Implications / Risks

44.    There are no legal implications arising from the recommendations in this report.


45.    The Local Government Act 2002 requires an assessment of the significance of matters, issues, proposals, and decisions in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.  Council acknowledges that in some instances a matter, issue, proposal, or decision may have a high degree of importance to individuals, groups, or agencies affected by the report.

46.    In making this assessment, consideration has been given to the likely impact, and likely consequences for:

(a)   the current and future social, economic, environmental, or cultural well-being of the district or region

(b)   any persons who are likely to be particularly affected by, or interested in, the matter.

(c)   the capacity of the local authority to perform its role, and the financial and other costs of doing so.

47.    In accordance with the considerations above, criteria and thresholds in the policy, it is considered that the issue to decide the future of the Tauranga Racecourse land through the Greerton Maarawaewae options study is of high significance, however the matter to receive the submissions during this hearing process is of low significance.

Next Steps

48.    Council to deliberate and consider recommendations on the future of the Tauranga Racecourse site on 1 May 2023, including consideration of:

(a)     Technical assessment of the options, as undertaken to date by Council

(b)     Matters raised through the verbal and written submissions from mana whenua, submitters, and the community

(c)     Further work undertaken on the matters raised to date through the submissions, including health needs of the city, racecourse and equestrian relocation, golf, and the active recreational use of the site.


1.      Submissions for Greerton Maarawaewae Phase 3 submissions - 001-897 Final PDF - A14136856 (Separate Attachments 1)  

2.      Greerton maarawaewae study  updates October 2022 and March 2023 - A14534098  


Ordinary Council meeting Agenda

3 April 2023



Ordinary Council meeting Agenda

3 April 2023


12        Discussion of late items


13        Public excluded session   


14        Closing karakia

