Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting

Monday, 9 September 2024

I hereby give notice that a Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting will be held on:


Monday, 9 September 2024




Tauranga City Council

Ground Floor Meeting Rooms 1 & 1b

306 Cameron Road


Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive


Terms of reference – Vision, Planning, Growth and Environment Committee




Common responsibilities and delegations


The following common responsibilities and delegations apply to all standing committees.



Responsibilities of standing committees

·         Establish priorities and guidance on programmes relevant to the Role and Scope of the committee.

·         Provide guidance to staff on the development of investment options to inform the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans.

·         Report to Council on matters of strategic importance.

·         Recommend to Council investment priorities and lead Council considerations of relevant strategic and high significance decisions.

·         Provide guidance to staff on levels of service relevant to the role and scope of the committee.

·         Establish and participate in relevant task forces and working groups.

·         Engage in dialogue with strategic partners, such as Smart Growth partners, to ensure alignment of objectives and implementation of agreed actions.

·         Confirmation of committee minutes.



Delegations to standing committees

·         To make recommendations to Council outside of the delegated responsibility as agreed by Council relevant to the role and scope of the Committee.

·         To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the delegations/limitations imposed.

·         To develop and consider, receive submissions on and adopt strategies, policies and plans relevant to the role and scope of the committee, except where these may only be legally adopted by Council.

·         To consider, consult on, hear and make determinations on relevant strategies, policies and bylaws (including adoption of drafts), making recommendations to Council on adoption, rescinding and modification, where these must be legally adopted by Council.

·         To approve relevant submissions to central government, its agencies and other bodies beyond any specific delegation to any particular committee.

·         Engage external parties as required.




Terms of reference – Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee





Cr Marten Rozeboom

Deputy chairperson

Cr Glen Crowther


Deputy Mayor Jen Scoular

Cr Hautapu Baker

Cr Rick Curach

Cr Steve Morris

Cr Kevin Schuler

Cr Mikaere Sydney

Cr Rod Taylor

Mayor Mahé Drysdale (ex officio)

Non-voting members

(if any)


Half of the members present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd.

Meeting frequency

Five weekly



The role of the Vision, Planning, Growth and Environment Committee is:

·         To consider strategic issues and opportunities facing the city and develop a pathway for the future.

·         To consider Tauranga’s strategic responses at a sub-regional, regional, and national level as appropriate.

·         To ensure there is sufficient land supply for housing and for commercial and industrial purposes.

·         To ensure there is sufficient and appropriate housing supply and choice in existing and new urban areas to meet current and future needs.

·         To ensure that Tauranga’s urban form and transport system enables, supports and shapes current and future sustainable, vibrant and connected communities.

·         To ensure there is a clear and agreed approach to achieve measurable improvement in transport outcomes in the medium to long-term including transport system safety, predictability of travel times, accessibility, travel choice, mode shift and improved environmental outcomes.

·         To enable Tauranga’s urban centres to thrive and provide a sense of place.

·         To ensure that council and partner investments in Tauranga’s build environment are economically and environmentally resilient.

·         To work with all key partners to enhance, protect and restore (where necessary) the wellbeing of our natural environment and harbour to ensure the people of Tauranga can thrive and enjoy the lifestyle this city provides.


·         Development and ongoing monitoring and update of the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan and associated programmes and network operating plans.

·         Development and ongoing monitoring and update of the Future Development Strategy and urban settlement patterns, including structure plans as required.

·         Development and oversight of urban centres strategies, neighbourhood plans and master-plans.

·         Development and oversight of the Compact City programme in support of higher development densities and the provision of a greater range of housing options.

·         Development of City Plan changes and related matters for adoption by Council.

·         Contribution to matters related to the SmartGrowth Strategy and input to the SmartGrowth Leadership Group.

·         Regular monitoring of strategic growth-related projects and strategic transport projects.

·         Development of strategies, policies, plans and programmes for the medium to long term delivery of social, environmental, economic, cultural and resilience outcomes.

·         Ensuring that social, environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing’s are promoted through all strategic work considered by the Committee.

·         Consideration of significant natural hazards risks across the city, as they apply to current and future land-form and built environment.

Power to Act

·         To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role, scope and responsibilities of the Committee subject to the limitations imposed.

·         To establish sub-committees, working parties and forums as required.

Power to Recommend

·         To Council and/or any standing committee as it deems appropriate.



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


Order of Business

1          Opening karakia. 9

2          Apologies. 9

3          Public forum.. 9

4          Acceptance of late items. 9

5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 9

6          Change to order of business. 9

7          Declaration of conflicts of interest 9

8          Business. 10

8.1            Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee Draft Programme. 10

8.2            Quarterly Update - Growth, Land Use Planning and Transport Strategy Projects - September 2024. 13

8.3            Transport Major Projects Update. 36

8.4            Connecting Mount Maunganui - Project Update. 52

9          Discussion of late items. 55

10       Closing karakia. 55



1            Opening karakia

2            Apologies

3            Public forum 

4            Acceptance of late items

5            Confidential business to be transferred into the open

6            Change to order of business

7            Declaration of conflicts of interest


Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


8            Business

8.1         Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee Draft Programme

File Number:           A16484677

Author:                    Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance

Authoriser:             Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance



Purpose of the Report

1.      The purpose of this report is to provide the draft work programme for the Committee for information and comment.



That the Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee Draft Programme".

(b)     Endorses the Committee’s Proposed Work Programme, and notes that the programme will continue be updated on an ongoing basis and reported to this Committee.




2.       The Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment was established by the newly elected Council on 15 August 2024.  The approved Terms of Reference determine the scope and role of the Committee. 

3.       The proposed work programme for the Committee is outlined in Attachment 1.  

4.       The proposed work programme will continually be updated and discussed with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee on an ongoing basis.  It is expected that it will be reported on a six-monthly basis to the Committee.


5.       This contributes to the promotion or achievement of the following strategic community outcome(s):


We are an inclusive city


We value, protect and enhance the environment


We are a well-planned city


We can move around our city easily


We are a city that supports business and education



Collectively, the matters considered by the Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee will contribute to all the Strategic Community Outcomes.

Legal Implications / Risks

6.       There are no legal or risk matters associated with this report.


7.       Matters of specific relevance to Mana Whenua are included in the work programme, and over time additional matters of relevance will be added.   Individual matters on the work programme that have a Te Ao Māori impact will be addressed in those respective reports. 


8.       Matters with a climate impact are included in the work programme, and over time additional matters will be added.   Individual matters on the work programme that have a climate impact will be addressed in those respective reports.

Consultation / Engagement

9.       It is not proposed that consultation be undertaken on the work programme itself.  Matters will be identified for inclusion in the work programme through a range of sources including connection with the community.  Individual matters on the work programme will require consultation / engagement, and that will be addressed in those respective reports.


10.     The Local Government Act 2002 requires an assessment of the significance of matters, issues, proposals and decisions in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.  Council acknowledges that in some instances a matter, issue, proposal or decision may have a high degree of importance to individuals, groups, or agencies affected by the report.

11.     In making this assessment, consideration has been given to the likely impact, and likely consequences for:

(a)    the current and future social, economic, environmental, or cultural well-being of the district or region

(b)    any persons who are likely to be particularly affected by, or interested in, the .

(c)    the capacity of the local authority to perform its role, and the financial and other costs of doing so.

12.     In accordance with the considerations above, criteria and thresholds in the policy, it is considered that the decision is of low significance.


13.     Taking into consideration the above assessment, that the issue is of low significance, officers are of the opinion that no further engagement is required prior to Council making a decision.

Next Steps

14.     The forward work programme for the Committee will continue to evolve and be updated over time.



1.       Proposed Work Programme Vision, Planning, Growth & Envrionment Committee - A16484846  



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


8.2         Quarterly Update - Growth, Land Use Planning and Transport Strategy Projects - September 2024

File Number:           A16364172

Author:                    Andy Mead, Manager: City Planning & Growth

Authoriser:             Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance



Purpose of the Report

1.      To report progress on key projects relating to managing growth in a sustainable manner, including land use planning projects and related transport, infrastructure and funding workstreams.



That the Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Quarterly Update - Growth, Land Use Planning and Transport Strategy Projects - September 2024".


Executive Summary

2.       Managing growth is a significant issue for Council, particularly the challenge of ensuring growth is sustainable in a four well-beings context for both current and future communities.

3.       The attached report outlines the progress being made in relation to a number of projects necessary to manage this continued growth.  This information is also regularly reported to the SmartGrowth partners.


4.       The key points to note in this update are outlined in the paragraphs below.

5.       A number of matters have been identified for more in depth consideration at future Committee meetings through workshop and presentation items.  These currently include:

(a)     Poteriwhi sportsfields and housing project

(b)     Growth funding (Development contributions, Development Agreements and other funding sources)

(c)     Plan Change 38 – Business Land Framework and commercial centres strategy

(d)     Keenan Road urban growth area

(e)     Government planning and housing reforms

(f)      Three waters planning and infrastructure requirements to support growth

(g)     SH29 Tauriko Network Connections

(h)     Growth-related infrastructure not included in the 2024-34 LTP.

Plan Change 33 and Spatial Plans

6.       Plan Change 33 – Enabling Housing Supply is now fully operative providing a quantum shift in residential intensification opportunities across the City.  This will be the last quarterly report that includes PC33.

7.       A key part of facilitating intensification is improving public transport, cycling and walking options.  The Government’s transport policy and funding availability for these investments is significantly reduced compared to the previous Government. 

8.       Likewise, we anticipated Kainga Ora to play a significant role in delivering intensification through its social housing and urban development functions.  This is not likely to occur based on the new Government’s direction.  The new Government is more focused on building capacity of Community Housing Providers to play a greater role in social housing delivery which may especially provide opportunities for Accessible Properties Ltd who own a large amount of housing stock in Te Papa.

9.       The Spatial Plans for Te Papa, Otumoetai and Mount/Arataki (including the Mount Industrial Planning Study) are no longer included in this report and the spatial plans themselves have been completed.  The implementation phase is now underway and monitoring to Council will occur every 6 months as part of broader Asset and Investment Plan (AIP) monitoring.  This monitoring will also pick up progress on urban design panel / AIP and the Greerton Maarawaewae Study which is linked to the Health New Zealand business case for the future of Tauranga Hospital.

Greenfield projects

10.     Tauriko Business Estate extension: The Hearing for this private plan change took place on 20 August.  This proposed development is essential to providing sufficient industrial land supply for the next 10 years.  A further verbal update will be provided at the Committee meeting.  Associated with this project, a recommendation has been received from the Independent Hearings Panel for a small rural residential plan change adjoining the Tauriko Business Estate extension.  This will be reported to Council in the near future for decision-making. 

11.     Tauriko West: Variation 1 to PC33 to rezone Tauriko West will be heard by an Independent Hearings Panel in early December this year.  We expect a recommendation for Council decision-making in the first quarter of 2025.  This puts us on track for the rezoning of Tauriko West to be operative by mid-2025 in accordance with external funding agreements.  Construction of the enabling works for the first 2,400 homes in Tauriko West is well underway in the vicinity of Redwood Lane, with construction of the northern access and improvements to the SH29/Cambridge Road intersection to commence in September. 

12.     Western Corridor Specified Development Project proposal:  TCC has provided feedback on Kainga Ora’s draft report and recommendation in relation to this proposal.  We understand that Kainga Ora has provided advice to the Minister and that advice from other government departments is also to be provided to the Minister come before decision-making occurs.

13.     Te Tumu: Staff have been working closely with landowner representatives to update technical reports to enable the structure planning phase to be completed and plan change documentation to be prepared.  A key ongoing workstream is the negotiation of infrastructure corridors through the TK14 Māori land block.  We anticipate reporting to Council for decision-making on this matter this calendar year.

14.     Upper Ohauiti: This is a private plan change for approximately 500 homes.  Council accepted this private plan change request in February this year.  The plan change was notified for submissions.  These have now been summarised and the further submission process required under the RMA is underway.

15.     Keenan Road: The structure planning process continues, including public open days.  Further processes, including rezoning, may be impacted by decisions on the Western Corridor Specified Development Project (SDP). 



16.     The updated SmartGrowth Strategy 2024 has now been adopted by all SmartGrowth Partners including tangata whenua.  A key component of the SmartGrowth Strategy is the 30-year Future Development Strategy (FDS) requirements of the National Policy Statement for Urban Development.  The role of the FDS is to identify how and where sufficient development capacity will be provided for the 30-year period.  The FDS reconfirms the need for the key growth projects we are working on such as intensification, Tauriko West and Te Tumu.  It also identifies that further growth in the Western Corridor (staring with Upper Belk Road) and in the eastern corridor (in the WBOP District) is required to address housing and business land shortages. 

17.     The next step is the development of the implementation plan for the strategy between now and the end of the calendar year.  The implementation plan will set out key actions, responsibilities and timeframes, especially for projects that need to be progressed collaboratively by two or more SmartGrowth Partner organisations (eg Upper Belk Road).  The Implementation and Funding Plan progress was reported to the SmartGrowth Leadership Group on 27 August.

Government Reforms

18.     The Government is undertaking a wide-reaching policy and legislative reform process that will have significant implications for growth management in the City.  Key initiatives include:

(a)     Going for Growth Housing Policy

(i)      Pillar One: freeing up land for urban development, including removing some planning barriers.

(ii)     Pillar Two: improving infrastructure funding and financing to support urban growth.

(iii)     Pillar Three: providing incentives for communities and councils to support growth.

(b)     Resource Management reforms

(i)      Fast-track Approvals legislation for infrastructure and housing projects

TCC has made applications for four projects to be included in the legislation

·    Poteriwhi sports fields and housing

·    Papamoa East Interchange surplus land (housing, community facilities and employment)

·    Turret/15th Ave transport improvements

·    Kaituna stormwater overflow in Te Tumu

(ii)     Comprehensive review of national direction under the RMA (National Policy Statements and National Environmental Standards)

(iii)     The longer-term replacement of the RMA with a new planning system.

(c)     Local Waters Done Well which will provide greater capacity to invest in waters infrastructure for growth.

(d)     Legislation to enable more use of road tolling and the introduction of congestion pricing of road networks in larger cities like Tauranga.

(e)     The development of a framework for City/Regional Deals to provide greater coordination and alignment between central and local government outcomes and investment over the long-term.

19.     Council staff are involved in a range of capacities and forums providing input and advice into the early stages of policymaking.  TCC will have further opportunities to provide formal submissions in due course.  We expect to have a significant focus on submissions to changes to the National Policy Statement for Urban Development and an RMA Amendment Bill to give effect to the Government’s stated aim for Council to zone 30 years of feasible development capacity.  This Bill will also address the ability for councils to opt out of the Medium Density Residential Standards in certain circumstances which may not apply to Tauranga given our housing shortfalls.  Indications are that the submission period will be in the first quarter of 2025.  

Government Policy Statement on Land Transport and National Land Transport Plan

20.     The Government has finalised its Government Policy Statement for Land Transport.  The GPS includes a much greater focus on roading projects, particularly State Highway investment through Roads of National Significance (RONs).  These include TNL Stage 2 and the long-term upgrades to SH29 through Tauriko.  RONs projects are identified as being four laned and grade separated.  As mentioned earlier there is a reduced focus on walking, cycling and public transport.

21.     The National land Transport Plan determines which transport projects are funded over a three-year period.  The NLTP will be finalised in September this year covering the period from July 2024 to June 2027.  It will be instrumental in determining whether investment in the City’s transport network will keep pace with growth. 


22.     The projects reported in this report and attachment contribute to all of the strategic community outcomes in the table below, with a specific focus on a well-planned city.  



We are an inclusive city


We value, protect and enhance the environment


We are a well-planned city


We can move around our city easily


We are a city that supports business and education



23.     Further, the projects covered in this report are framed under the strategic direction of the SmartGrowth Strategy 2024 including the Future Development Strategy and the 2024-34 Long Term Plan (including the 30-year Infrastructure Strategy).


24.     We take a deliberate approach to collaborate and engage with Tangata Whenua as part of our planning projects ensure we understand Māori views and can reflect this in our projects using the Te Ao Māori approach.


25.     Climate change is a significant matter that is considered and addressed in our planning projects, especially as it applies to natural hazards such as sea level rise and flooding from intense rainfall.  Climate change impacts are modelled, and constraints associated with climate change are addressed through planning frameworks e.g. minimum building platforms above flood levels or setbacks from constrained areas.


26.     There is no options analysis.  This report is for information only.


27.     While growth is a significant issue for Tauranga City, this report does not require any decisions and is not significant in itself.


Next Steps

28.     Council will continue to progress the projects and works identified in the report and attachment (Ref A16364090).


1.       Growth, Landuse Planning & Transport Strategy Projects - September 2024 - A16364090  



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024




Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


8.3         Transport Major Projects Update

File Number:           A16484436

Author:                    Jason Spencer, Transport Programme Manager - Major Projects

Authoriser:             Nic Johansson, General Manager: Infrastructure



Purpose of the Report

1.      To provide a Major Projects update.



That the Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Transport Major Projects Update".

(b)     Reviews and Approves the update and provides any queries back to the Major Projects Team via an action register.





2.       Please find the Major Projects slide pack containing a Major Projects Overview and the August 2024 Directors update attached for review.

Next Steps

3.       Monthly Major Projects Directors report to be included in future Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committees.



1.       Major Projects presentation for VPGE (002) - A16533323

2.       V-1465-TCC Major Projects Milestones_26Aug2024 - A16486025  



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024



Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


8.4         Connecting Mount Maunganui - Project Update

File Number:           A16483852

Author:                    Chris Barton, Senior Project Manager: Major Projects

Authoriser:             Nic Johansson, General Manager: Infrastructure



Purpose of the Report

1.      To provide an update on the Connecting Mount Manganui (CMM) transport project.



That the Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee:

(a)       Receives the report "Connecting Mount Maunganui - Project Update"





2.       Connecting Mount Maunganui is a project being jointly progressed by NZTA and TCC seeking to increase the efficient and reliable movement of people and goods through the Mount Maunganui sub-area of Hewletts Road (SH2), Tōtara Street and Maunganui Road

3.       The Mount Maunganui transport network including SH2 provides access to many key local and inter-regional destinations including the Port of Tauranga, freight logistic centres, Mount Maunganui town centre, residential areas and beach, and is a major throughfare for people crossing the Tauranga Harbour.

4.       SH2/Hewletts Road and the surrounding area is the crucial ‘last mile’ connection between the Upper North Island freight network and the Port of Tauranga for transportation of goods – which is regionally and nationally significant regarding economic growth and productivity.

5.       The demand across this part of the Tauranga network is significant resulting in unreliable journey times and delays for freight, general traffic and public transport. High traffic volumes and conflicting use in the area also result in significant road safety issues.

6.       Demand is forecast to increase with significant growth anticipated across the Bay of Plenty and to/from key destinations including the Port of Tauranga and anticipated Mount Maunganui intensification area. Without intervention current issues with journey time reliability and delays will continue to increase.

7.       Ensuring this section of the transport corridor and network functions well now and in the future is a key enabler of ongoing growth in the subregion and also a key contributor to overall transport network level of service.

8.       There are many competing functions that SH2/Hewletts Road and the surrounding area are currently performing including local road movements (local trips to access to/from housing, employment and recreation activities in the Mont Maunganui area) and through movements (travel through the area including inter-regional State Highway movements), as well as balancing various transport modes including freight, general traffic, public transport and active mode (walking and cycling) travel.

9.       As outlined in previous reports to Council on 29 April and 13 May 2024, the project is currently in the business case phase of assessing options and establishing a recommended programme of interventions to provide network upgrades and improvements.

10.     Following a previous review of the draft Indicative Business Case (IBC) by the NZTA Value, Outcomes and Scope Committee (VOS) feedback was that additional assessment was required to review the recommended option and complete an incremental economic assessment of interventions including additional modelling.

11.     It is also noted the final Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS 2024) was released on 7 July 2024. The GPS guides prioritisation for investment from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) as part of the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). GPS 2024 is built around four strategic priorities – Economic Growth and Productivity, Increased Maintenance and Resilience, Safety, and Value for Money.

12.     NZTA are leading the development of the project Indicative Business Case (IBC). Total costs for the IBC development are shared between NZTA (50%) and TCC (50%) – noting the TCC component is also NZTA co-funded at a 51% Financial Assistance Rate (FAR).


13.     The focus over the past four months has been responding to the feedback from the NZTA VOS Committee on the previous draft IBC and also ensuring the IBC aligns with the GPS 2024. 

14.     ​Staff from NZTA and TCC will present an update on recent assessment, the emerging preferred option and proposed project next steps.  

15.     Following additional investigation an alternative ‘emerging preferred’ option has been identified (aligned to the updated GPS) which includes:

partial grade separation at the Hewletts/Tōtara intersection with a flyover;

4-laning Tōtara St between Hewletts Road and Hull Road;

converting current Hewletts Road bus lanes into High Occupancy Vehicle lanes (T3); and

creating new local road and cycleway connections between Tōtara Street and Newton Street / Maunganui Road through the current Mount Maunganui industrial area.

16.     It is noted this option excludes some previously proposed interventions. The cost estimate of this revised option (circa $292m) is significantly less than the previously recommended option (circa $500m) – and also has a more favourable Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) than the previous draft IBC option.

17.     Works are currently progressing to further review the findings and confirm a recommended programme of interventions for the updated IBC – noting this is likely to be the ‘emerging preferred’ option as outlined.

18.     As part of the IBC a proposed staging/implementation plan has been drafted which includes various delivery horizons. Implementation phasing and staging will be important to ensure the network in the area remains functional throughout construction - including consideration of timing with other major transport projects in the region. Indicative staging includes:

Stage 1 – Implement SH2 Hewletts Road High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes & connect Te Maire Street to Newton Street

§ Design and implementation of these proposed early and comparatively lower cost interventions (circa $5m) can be accelerated subject to funding approvals

Stage 2 – New local road connections including new east/west connection through the Mount Maunganui industrial area

Stage 3 – Rationalise SH2 accessways, further local road connections to provide alternate access to businesses and properties, and Hewletts Road / Maunganui Road bus stop upgrades

Stage 4 – Active travel facilities incl. new east/west connection from Tōtara Street to Maunganui Road and separated cycle path on Maunganui Road

Stage 5 – Additional Lanes on Tōtara Street and flyover at Tōtara Street / SH2 Hewletts Road intersection

19.     It is anticipated that following the IBC prior to any of the above stages progressing to detailed design or construction further planning and design development will be required – likely via a Detailed Business Case (DBC) process.

Funding status

20.     Future phases of delivery are anticipated to be co-funded by NZTA and TCC. TCC funding has been allocated in the 2024-34 Long Term Plan (LTP) to progress the project, noting that this is subject to confirmation of NZTA co-funding.

21.     The 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) was released by NZTA on 2 September 2024.  The NLTP includes all activities prioritised for funding from the NLTF between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2027.  

22.     Activities are submitted to the NLTP by each region’s Regional Transport Committee (RTC) through a Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).  Connecting Mount Maunganui was included in the Bay of Plenty RLTP.  

23.     Projects are assessed for inclusion in the NLTP using the Investment Prioritisation Method, which creates an objective assessment framework to prioritise projects based on their alignment to the GPS.  

24.     The next phases of the project have not been prioritised for inclusion in the NLTP[CB1] .  This is primarily due to the low BCR of the previously preferred option, which was the information available at the time the project was assessed.    

25.     The intention is to complete the IBC and continue to look for opportunities to obtain funding for the Stage 1 interventions in the next 3 years.  Further stages will be put forward to the RTC for inclusion in the 2027-2030 RLTP and NLTP.  

Next Steps

26.     Key next steps include updating the IBC. Following updates a report will be provided to this Committee to seek formal endorsement of the IBC. It will then be submitted to the NZTA Board for endorsement.

27.     Options for funding for the next stage improvements including optimisation and high occupancy vehicle lanes on Hewletts Road and completing the Te Maire link will be explored once Board endorsement is received.





Vision, Planning, Growth & Environment Committee meeting Agenda

9 September 2024


9            Discussion of late items


10          Closing karakia

 [CB1]Noted this will need to be confirmed following NLTP release on Monday - but this is the presumed outcome.