Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

I hereby give notice that a Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting will be held on:


Wednesday, 4 December 2024




Moko Marae

1332 Te Puke Highway


Te Puke

Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed and the recording will be publicly available on Tauranga City Council's website:

Marty Grenfell

Chief Executive

Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Common responsibilities and delegations

The following common responsibilities and delegations apply to all standing committees.


Responsibilities of standing committees

·        Establish priorities and guidance on programmes relevant to the Role and Scope of the committee.

·        Provide guidance to staff on the development of investment options to inform the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans.

·        Report to Council on matters of strategic importance.

·        Recommend to Council investment priorities and lead Council considerations of relevant strategic and high significance decisions.

·        Provide guidance to staff on levels of service relevant to the role and scope of the committee.

·        Establish and participate in relevant task forces and working groups.

·        Engage in dialogue with strategic partners, such as Smart Growth partners, to ensure alignment of objectives and implementation of agreed actions.

·        Confirmation of committee minutes.



Delegations to standing committees

·        To make recommendations to Council outside of the delegated responsibility as agreed by Council relevant to the role and scope of the Committee.

·        To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the delegations/limitations imposed.

·        To develop and consider, receive submissions on and adopt strategies, policies and plans relevant to the role and scope of the committee, except where these may only be legally adopted by Council.

·        To consider, consult on, hear and make determinations on relevant strategies, policies and bylaws (including adoption of drafts), making recommendations to Council on adoption, rescinding and modification, where these must be legally adopted by Council.

·        To approve relevant submissions to central government, its agencies and other bodies beyond any specific delegation to any particular committee.

·        Engage external parties as required.



Terms of reference – Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee




Independent chairperson

Mr Anthony Fisher

Deputy chairperson

Mayor Mahé Drysdale

Tauranga City Council

Deputy Mayor Jen Scoular

Cr Hautapu Baker

Cr Kevin Schuler

Cr Mikaere Sydney (and during his leave of absence Cr Rod Taylor)

Tangata Whenua members

6 members from the Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua Collective

Ms Matire Duncan

Mr Puhirake Ihaka

Ms Kura Martin

Ms Destiny Leaf

Mr Whitiora McLeod

Mr Buddy Mikaere


Half of the members  present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is even; and a majority of the members present, where the number of members (including vacancies) is odd.

Meeting frequency

Six meetings a year to be held on marae.

Members from Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana to attend meetings

Members from Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana are to be invited to all meetings.


At the Chairperson’s discretion, Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana members may speak to reports.


To avoid doubt only members of the Committee can move or second recommendations or vote.

Hapū presentations

Hapū presentations to be held at the beginning of each meeting.


The remainder of the business of the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee will be held at the conclusion of the hapū presentation.


Minutes will be confirmed at each meeting.

Livestreaming of meetings

The meetings will be livestreamed.


Livestreaming of presentations by hapū will be subject to permission from the marae.




Rapua te huarahi whanui hei ara whakapiri

i nga iwi e rua i te whakaaro kotahi


Seek the broad highway that will unite the two peoples

toward a common goal.



Partners    Tauranga City Council and “nga hapu me nga iwi o Tauranga Moana” representing Tangata Whenua within the Tauranga City Council rohe (boundaries).

Tangata Whenua representatives are to be those with signed hapu protocols. One of the six Tangata Whenua representatives is to be a Kaumatua. Kaumatua representation is to have the ability to be shared between two Kaumatua if required.


Council is committed to establishing and monitoring appropriate links with Tangata Whenua to enable effective relationships to develop and meet a number of legislative requirements including those under the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act.


1.      Tangata Whenua are deemed to be the respective Iwi and Hapū of Tauranga Moana.

2.      The Local Government Act 1974 and Local Government Act 2002 contain provisions relating to the exercise of the powers, functions and duties of the Tauranga City Council.

Principles of the partnership

The Partners:

·        Recognise the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa NZ.

·        Will work with respect, goodwill, honesty, trust and integrity toward the other party and celebrate cultural diversity.

·        Recognise that the relationship is a mutual two-way relationship and any changes of the agreement need to involve discussions and agreement between the partners.

·        Recognise the need for Tauranga City Council to work within a legislative framework.

·        Recognise the independence of each partner, including:

(a)   The tangata whenua representatives as a voice for the Māori communities;

(b)   Recognise the independence of hapū and iwi;

(c)   The Council as a democratic decision maker, responsible to the community as a whole.

Role and scope

·        To forge an ongoing effective and meaningful partnership between the Tauranga City Council and Tangata Whenua.

·        To facilitate meaningful understanding of future impacts on key issues affecting Tangata Whenua and Māori that Council can influence.


The functions and key tasks are:

(a)         To bring to the other partner’s attention issues / concerns in respect of existing strategy or policy.

(b)         To exchange information of mutual interest.

(c)          To discuss new initiatives approaches and directions.

(d)         Agree agenda topics for the following three consecutive meetings.


·        To educate the wider community on Tangata Whenua issues.

·        To establish and maintain communication and consultation channels within the Council organisation and Tangata Whenua groups.


·        To regularly monitor projects, policies and strategies managed or under development by Council which affect Tangata Whenua.

·        To regularly monitor progress of key issues identified by Tangata Whenua through reporting of Council and the Tangata Whenua Collective (Te Rangapū Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana).

·        To monitor the on-going development and process of the Standing Committee.

Power to recommend

·        To Council or any Standing Committee as it deems appropriate.

·        Reports to Council.



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


Order of Business

1         Opening karakia. 9

2         Apologies. 9

3         Public forum.. 9

4         Acceptance of late items. 9

5         Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 9

6         Change to order of business. 9

7         Confirmation of minutes. 10

7.1           Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 9 October 2024. 10

8         Declaration of conflicts of interest 19

9         Deputations, presentations, petitions. 20

9.1           Presentation - Ngati Moko. 20

10      Business. 21

10.1        Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee - Chairperson's Report - December 2024. 21

10.2        Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - December 2024. 25

10.3        Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - December 2024. 32

11      Discussion of late items. 42

12      Closing karakia. 42



1          Opening karakia

2          Apologies

3          Public forum 

4          Acceptance of late items

5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open

6          Change to order of business


Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


7          Confirmation of minutes

7.1         Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 9 October 2024

File Number:           A17180439

Author:                    Caroline Irvin, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:             Anahera Dinsdale, Acting Team Leader: Governance Services




That the Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 9 October 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record.





1.      Minutes of the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 9 October 2024 




UNCONFIRMEDTangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting minutes

9 October 2024





Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting

Wednesday, 9 October 2024



Order of Business

1         Opening karakia. 3

2         Apologies. 3

3         Public forum.. 3

4         Acceptance of late items. 3

5         Confidential business to be transferred into the open. 3

6         Change to order of business. 3

7         Receipt of minutes for information. 4

7.1           Receipt of Minutes – Tangata Whenua/TCC Committee meeting held on 12 June 2024. 4

8         Declaration of conflicts of interest 4

9         Deputations, presentations, petitions. 4

9.1           Presentation - Ngati Hangarau. 4

10      Business. 5

10.1        Appointment of Deputy Chairperson of Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee. 5

10.3        Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - October 2024. 6

10.4        Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - October 2024. 6

11      Discussion of late items. 7

12      Closing karakia. 7




MINUTES OF Tauranga City Council

Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting

HELD AT THE Hangarau Marae, 217 Bethlehem Road, Tauranga

ON Wednesday, 9 October 2024 AT 9.30am




Mr Anthony Fisher (Chairperson), Cr Hautapu Baker, Mayor Mahé Drysdale, Ms Matire Duncan, Mr Puhirake Ihaka, Mr Nathan James, Ms Destiny Leaf, Mr Whitiora McLeod, Mr Buddy Mikaere, Cr Kevin Schuler, Deputy Mayor Jen Scoular, Cr Rod Taylor


Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Members: Pare Kuka, Kura Martin, Irene Walker, Luke Whare, Cheryl Hayes, Arthur Flintoff





Cr Mikaere Sydney


Marty Grenfell (Chief Executive), Christine Jones (General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance), Stacey Mareroa-Roberts (Manager: Strategic Māori Engagement), Leonie Cairns (Kaiarahi Maori), Anahera Sadler (Pou Matauranga), Karen Hay (Manager: Network Safety & Sustainability), Monique Etherington (Senior Advisor: Elected Members), Sanjana France (Senior Advisor: elected Members), Coral Hair (Manager: Democracy & Governance Services), Anahera Dinsdale (Acting Team Leader: Governance Services), Caroline Irvin (Governance Advisor).



The Committee began with a powhiri and light refreshments before moving into the official meeting.


1          Opening karakia

Mr Tawharangi Nuku opened the meeting with a karakia.

2          Apologies


3          Public forum


4          Acceptance of late items


5          Confidential business to be transferred into the open



6          Change to order of business


7          Receipt of minutes for information

7.1         Receipt of Minutes – Tangata Whenua/TCC Committee meeting held on 12 June 2024

Committee Resolution  TW4/24/1

Moved:       Mr Whitiora McLeod

Seconded:  Mr Puhirake Ihaka

That the minutes of the Tangata Whenua/TCC Committee meeting dated 12 June 2024 be received.



8          Declaration of conflicts of interest


9          Deputations, presentations, petitions

9.1         Presentation - Ngati Hangarau

External          Ngati Hangarau - Tawharangi Nuku and Cheryl Hayes


Mr Tawharangi Nuku

·        Mr Puhirake Ihaka was acknowledged as mentor to Mr Tawharangi Nuku and all his work for Tauranga Moana was recognised.

·        At the Waitangi Tribunal hearings in 1999, the tribunal was informed that Ngati Hangarau strongly objected to the railway that was proposed to run along the waterfront because it would go through the hapu’s burial site.  The original whare had also been situated there.  The railway was nevertheless put through along the waterfront. 

·        Ngati Hangarau was one of the original iwi of Tauranga Moana and were here before the arrival of Takitimu waka in the thirteen hundreds.  Its mana whenua, mana moana status had been in place for over 700 years. 

·        The new whare was built around 1927.  In the mid 1960’s it was discovered the wharenui was damp and a fundraising campaign was undertaken to build a new one.  A stipulation was that the hapu wanted a fully carved wharenui with all ancestral connections to the various hapu and iwi throughout Aotearoa.  The pou and weaving in the current wharenui represented this and acknowledged those connections.


Mrs Cheryl Hayes

·        This land given back to hapu in 1916.  This was a very special whenua and mana whenua felt very fortunate to live on this whenua/land and be able to raise whanau here.  However it had not been easy and there had been numerous difficulties.

·        A lot of the land did not have whare/houses.  There had been issues with the right to return and live on the land.  The whenua/land did not have a monetary value to iwi, however, it was rated as monetary value.

·        The land had no infrastructure, no sewerage or gas lines and the power supply was at maximum use.  Expensive resource consent and building fees were stopping whanau from returning to their land. 

·        There was no accessible public transport within two kilometres of the marae, no road upgrades or lighting and no footpaths. 

·        A recent leaflet drop from Tauranga City Council (TCC) advised that footpaths would be installed on either side of Bethlehem Road/Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village which would affect at least 12 properties belonging to Ngati Hangarau. None of these property owners had been consulted with.  It was understood that the wider footpath would be placed on the side of properties belonging to Hangarau Marae and would take some of that land. It raised the question as to why the extra land was being taken from the Ngati Hangarau properties.

·        The proposed pedestrian crossing for 130 Bethlehem Road was situated on whanau land that intended to be built on next year.  The crossing was mapped to go across the driveway access. To date there had been no consultation on this with Ngati Hangarau.

·        Ngati Hangarau had been asking for footpaths along Bethlehem Road for a very long time.  Tamariki and residents were forced to walk on the road as there was no footpath, even though traffic had increased. 

·        There should be speed bumps at the corners as motorists drove too fast at these spots.  These were safety issues and there was real concern that someone/tamariki would get hit by a car.  Ngati Hangarau had been asking former Borough Councils and City Councils for this to be addressed for a very long time, but nothing had been done. 

·        Ngati Hangarau would like to discuss the ratable valuations that were due in December 2024.  There had been no new builds or improvements within the Ngati Hangarau community zone in the last 24 years.  However, the rating valuation was very high, in line with the retirement village which was a multi-million dollar complex.  Ngati Hangarau did not rate or value its land in this way and would like to talk with Council about this.


In response to questions

·        There were whanau wanting to return back to their whenua to live but it was impossible today to get enough funds to get things such as power supplies and sewerage systems set up.  This was a big issue now as more whanau were wanting to return so that their children could grow up on the whenua but they could not afford it, or the banks would not loan money as it was Māori land.

·        A neighbouring subdivision had sewerage and gas systems that went down past Ngati Hangarau whenua which could not be accessed.  It was felt Ngati Hangarau was always treated as a ‘second stage’.  It would help if resource consents could be eased so that whanau could come back and build on their whenua.

·        Papakāinga development and a collective resource consent had been look at, however, this had come to a standstill.

·        Bringing whanau back to the marae was needed to help them to feel more grounded and connected to the whenua and to help to look after the marae.


Discussion points raised

·        Ms Matire Duncan would take these matters back to TCC for more engagement around the issues raised today.

·        Mr Whitiora McLeod expressed his sadness at the lack of development in terms of infrastructure at Ngati Hangarau and would raise these issues at the ‘Reconsenting of the Municipal Water Tank’ and ‘TCC Wastewater Programme Business Case’ forums.  This was another example of infrastructure running through, over or around Māori land blocks.








10        Business

10.1       Appointment of Deputy Chairperson of Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee

Staff                Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance

Coral Hair, Manager: Democracy & Governance Services



Key Points

·        The Chairperson provided a summary of the report. 


Committee Resolution  TW4/24/2

Moved:       Mr Buddy Mikaere

Seconded:  Mr Whitiora McLeod

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Appointment of Deputy Chairperson of Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee".

(b)     Appoints Mayor Mahé Drysdale as the Deputy Chairperson of the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee.





10.2       Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee - Chairpersons Report October 2024

Chairperson     Anthony Fisher


Key Points

·        The Chairperson took his report as read, noting that his creation narrative was to draw on inspiration, encouragement and progress for the Committee, to build on what had already been achieved.

Committee Resolution  TW4/24/3

Moved:       Ms Matire Duncan

Seconded:  Cr Hautapu Baker

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)         Receives the report "Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee - Chairpersons Report October 2024".









10.3       Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - October 2024

Staff                Ms Matire Duncan – Chairperon, Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana



Key Points

·        Ms Duncan took the report as read and provided a summary of some highlights.

·        Key priorities were Tangata Whenua representation on Council committees and the retention of Te Awanui Ward.


Discussion points raised

·        Mr Buddy Mikaere advised Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana had expressed concerns about the Fast Track Approvals Bill and what it meant for Tangata Whenua.  It was not known at this stage what could be done but to be made aware there was concern.

·        Mayor Drysdale acknowledged the discussions had with Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana on the above topics, assured the Committee their request had been understood and that how to deal with it was being considered. 

Committee Resolution  TW4/24/4

Moved:       Mr Buddy Mikaere

Seconded:  Mr Puhirake Ihaka

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - October 2024".




10.4       Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - October 2024

Staff                Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance

Stacey Mareroa-Roberts, Manager: Strategic Māori Engagement


Key Points

·        Since the last hui, the Takawaenga team have supported more information sharing and knowledge around enabling housing.  15 houses in the Peterehema Marae zone had been enabled by Global Consent.  The korero today about housing had been heard.

·        There had been a lot of engagement with Ngamanawa which had been an enabling relationship.

·        Two years ago there were 3,787 visitors to Nga Manawa falls.  Since that time there had been more supportive infrastructure added to the area and last year there were 21,563 visitors, with over 2,000 people completing the full loop.  This was a promising short term trial and an extension being looked at.

·        The transportation issues were acknowledged and would be taken back to Council and put on the update report for the next hui.

·        The road noise at Wairoa Marae had been significantly reduced by erecting a noise wall.  Other issues were being addressed by Council and were ongoing.

·        A gate had been installed at Whareroa Marae and Ngāti Kuku where there had been a lot of noise and disturbance down towards the jetty.  There was also exploration of succession planning and safety measures around the back of the airport in terms of health and safety.

·        There was an engagement plan for the Hairini cycle lane trial period that included managing  support for mana whenua. 

In response to questions

·        Staff would follow up on the proposed new footpath, lighting and speed management along Waimapu Pā Road, in particular in terms of time frames.


Discussion points raised

·        It would be good to have korero with the Climate Change Commission on what may be able to be done in terms of environmental concerns around Marae situated in coastal areas.

·        Thank you to staff for the refurbishment of quite a few of the pou around the city.  This was an excellent job and looked great.

·        Ms Irene Walker expressed her concerns regarding the next phase of the Hairini bus stop.  It was felt there had been no partnership in this process, and Ngati Ahi wanted to be included in the discussions.  This was not something to be decided by Council alone. 


It was agreed that the Takawaenga Team would follow up on the Harini Bus Stop matter and report back to Ngati Ahi.


Committee Resolution  TW4/24/5

Moved:       Ms Destiny Leaf

Seconded:  Ms Matire Duncan

That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - October 2024".



11        Discussion of late items


12        Closing karakia

Puhirake Ihaka closed the meeting with a karakia



The meeting closed at 11.44.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed as a true and correct record at the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting held on 4 December 2024.






Anthony Fisher




Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


8          Declaration of conflicts of interest


Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


9          Deputations, presentations, petitions

9.1         Presentation - Ngati Moko 





Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


10        Business

10.1       Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee - Chairperson's Report - December 2024

File Number:           A17100106

Author:                    Caroline Irvin, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:             Anahera Dinsdale, Acting Team Leader: Governance Services



Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is for the Chairperson of the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee to provide updates to the Committee.



That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee - Chairperson's Report - December 2024".







1.      Tangata Whenua/TCC Chairperson's Report - December 2024 - A17223693  



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024




Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


10.2       Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - December 2024

File Number:           A17100042

Author:                    Caroline Irvin, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:             Anahera Dinsdale, Acting Team Leader: Governance Services



Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee members with updates on Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana matters and progress.




That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Te Rangapu Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana Report - December 2024".







1.      RMW Report to TW/TCC Meeting 4 December 2024 - A17221624  



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024




Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


10.3       Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - December 2024

File Number:           A17100071

Author:                    Keren Paekau, Team Leader: Takawaenga Māori

Stacey Mareroa-Roberts, Manager: Strategic Maori Engagement

Authoriser:             Christine Jones, General Manager: Strategy, Growth & Governance



Purpose of the Report

To update the Tangata Whenua/Tauranga City Council Committee on matters raised by Tangata Whenua at previous Committee meetings and Iwi/Hapū hui.



That the Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee:

(a)     Receives the report "Tangata Whenua Presentation Updates - December 2024".




for discussion

1.      Attached is a table outlining issues raised by Iwi/Hapū and Marae at previous Committee Hui.  The table provides an update on the progress of these issues.

2.      Traffic light key in the table:

·    Green – On track;

·    Yellow – Progress being made; and

·    Red – Completed or unlikely to progress further.




1.      Tangata Whenau Matter Raised Hui 4 December 2024 - A17226973  



Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024




Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee meeting Agenda

4 December 2024


11        Discussion of late items


12        Closing karakia